पश्चिम रेल्वे, मुंबई अंतर्गत 5066 पदांची भरती जाहिरात प्रकाशित, नोकरीची सुवर्णसंधी!! Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024
Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024
Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024
Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024 : Western Railway has declared a new recruitment notification for interested and eligible candidates to fill various vacant posts of “Apprentices”. There are total of 5066 vacancies are available to fill posts. Eligible candidates apply online through the given mentioned link below before the last date. Applications will start from 23rd October 2024. Also, The last date for online application is the 29th of October 2024. For more details about Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024, visit our website www.MahaBharti.in.
आणि हो मित्रांनो, तसेच या संदर्भातील सर्व नवीन माहिती व महत्वाच्या बातम्या मिळवण्यासाठी या 👉लिंक वरून व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा किंवा 👉या लिंक वरून आमच्या महाभरती व्हाट्सअँप ग्रुपला जॉईन व्हा..
अन्य महत्वाच्या भरती
✅युनियन बँक अंतर्गत 2691 पदांची भरती सुरु; पदवीधारकांना नोकरीची संधी!!
🔥बॉम्बे उच्च न्यायालयात मध्ये शिपाई पदांची भरती सुरु!!
✅अर्ज सूरु-नागपूर महानगरपालिकेत नर्स, सहायक, अन्य 245 पदांकरिता भरती सूरु!
✅पोलीस भरती २०२४ अपेक्षित प्रश्नसंच सोडवा!- मोफत टेस्ट सिरीज २०२४
✅ITBP अंतर्गत १०वी पास उमेवारांना संधी, 619 रिक्त पदांची जाहिरात प्रकाशित!!
✅RRB असिस्टंट लोको पायलट भरती अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षा पॅटर्न
✅१० वी, १२ वी पास उमेदवारांसाठी नोकरीच्या भरपूर संधी !!
✅आरोग्य विभाग, पोलीस, तलाठी, ZP,वन विभाग आणि अन्य भरतीचे सराव पेपर्स चे App
पश्चिम रेल्वे, मुंबई अंतर्गत “प्रशिक्षणार्थी” पदांच्या एकूण 5066 रिक्त जागा भरण्यासाठी पदांनुसार पात्र असणाऱ्या उमेदवारांकडून अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहे. अर्ज ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने करायचा आहे. अर्ज 23 ऑक्टोबर 2024 पासून सुरु होतील. अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख 29 ऑक्टोबर 2024 आहे.
या भरती संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स वेळेवर मिळण्यासाठी महाभरतीची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप येथे क्लिक करून लगेच आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा.
- पदाचे नाव – प्रशिक्षणार्थी
- पदसंख्या – 5066 जागा
- शैक्षणिक पात्रता – शैक्षणिक पात्रता पदाच्या आवश्यकतेनुसार आहे .(मूळ जाहिरात वाचावी.)
- अर्ज शुल्क – १०० /-
- अर्ज पद्धती – ऑनलाईन
- अर्ज सुरू होण्याची तारीख – 23 ऑक्टोबर 2024
- अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख – 29 ऑक्टोबर 2024
- अधिकृत वेबसाईट – https://www.rrc-wr.com/
Western Railway Apprentice Vacancy 2024
पदाचे नाव | पद संख्या |
प्रशिक्षणार्थी | 5066 |
Educational Qualification For WR Apprentice Jobs 2024
पदाचे नाव | शैक्षणिक पात्रता |
प्रशिक्षणार्थी | Matriculate or 10th Class in 10+2 examination system with minimum 50% marks in aggregate from recognized Board |
Salary For WR Apprentice Application 2024
पदाचे नाव | वेतनश्रेणी |
प्रशिक्षणार्थी | Level – 1 (Rs. 18,000/- – Rs. 56,900/-) |
Selection Mode For WR Apprentice Mumbai Bharti 2024
- Selection of the eligible Applicants for imparting training under the Apprentice Act, 1961 will be based on the merit list which would be prepared taking the average of the percentage of marks obtained by the Applicants in both Matriculation [with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks] and ITI examination giving equal weightage to both.
- In case of two Applicants ·having the same marks the Applicants having older ageshall bepreferred. In case the dates of birth are also same, then the Applicants who passed matriculation exam earlier shall be considered first. There will be no written test or viva.
- Applicants need not send any copies of application/ certificates / documents to RRC/WR by post but have to upload the same online.
- Calculation of marks: 6.5 For the purpose of calculation of percentage of SSC / Matriculation marks, Total Marks of all Subjects mentioned in the Marksheet. (Not best of five but total of all subjects including optional subject /additional subject/ alternate subject, etc). CGPA obtained by the applicants should be converted to actual marks and duly entered by the applicant in the online application. Please note that the final score should be calculated by adding the marks of all subjects not of any group of subjects.
- For the purpose of calculation of percentage of ITI marks, average marks mentioned in consolidated statement of marks for all semesters of the trade applied i.e. Marks mentioned in the Provisional National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT ISCVT, which is to be duly entered by the applicant in the online application will only be reckoned.
- The applicant should note that in case any discrepancy in the Marks/CGPAentered in the online application and the Original Marksheet/ Certificate, is found at the time of Document Verification, the candidature of the Applicants will be rejected summarily.
- The Trade-wise/ Community-wise Merit List will be issued by the concerned Division/Units for their Notified slots. Applicants will be called by the concerned Division/Units as per the Merit in the relevant trade considering the Divisions/ Workshop opted by the candidate. In case of any shortfall in 5 any particular trade in any given Division/Workshop, Western Railway reserves the right to Redistribute the candidates to other Divisions/Workshops.
- Final selection of Applicants would be subject to verification of original testimonials and Medical Fitness Certificate as per Annexure G.
- Candidates in the Stand- by list will be issued Call Letters only on receipt of details of absentees, medically unfit and rejected candidates from the Merit list allotted to the concerned Divisions/Workshop. The Call letters will be issued strictly in the order of Merit.
- Applicants are advised to be in readiness at short notice to report to the allotted Divns & Workshops
for Document / Certificate Verification.
How To Apply For Western Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2024
- Applicants are required to apply ONLINE by visiting www.rrc-wr.com. Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications will be available on the website.
- Applicants are required to fill up the personal details/ Trade/ Aadhaar number/ Marks/CGPA/ preference for Divisions/ Workshops etc. very carefully as the Computerized Merit list will be prepared only on the basis of the information filled by the Applicant in the ONLINE application. In case of any discrepancy observed at the time of Document Verification, the Applicant will be disqualified summarily.
- Applicants should be in possession of Aadhaar Card. At the time of registration, Applicants have to fill 12-digit Aadhaar Card number. The Applicants not having Aadhaar number and have enrolled for Aadhaar but have not received Aadhaar Card can enter 28-digit Aadhaar Enrolment ID printed on the Aadhaar Enrolment slip.
- This provision is applicable to the Applicants of all states and Union Territories except the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya and Assam. Applicants from these states can enter in the online application form, their voter ID number, valid passport number, driving license number or any other valid Government identity card at the time of online application. Applicants have to produce original Aadhaar card or document mentioned above, at the time of Document Verification.
- Applicants should ensure their name, father’s name, date of birth should exactly match as recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate. Any deviation found during Document Verification will lead to cancellation of candidature and also debarment.
- Applicants are advised to indicate their active mobile number and valid e-mail ID in the ONLINE application and keep them active during the entire engagement process as all important messages will be notified on website and email/SMS will be sent only to the selected Applicants which will be treated as deemed to have been read by the Applicants.
- Choice of only one Division /Workshop is permitted. Option once exercised is FINAL and binding to the candidates. Applicants are instructed to check Trade-wise vacancy table (Annexure A) to ascertain the vacancies notified and ensure that the Division /Workshop they wish to apply is having vacancies as per their Trade/ Qualification / Community / Category.
- Applicants possessing ITI qualification in more than one trade can apply for different relevant trades separately.
- Applicants trying to submit more than one application for the same TRADE with different particulars like Name/Father’s name/Community/PWD/ educational and/or technical qualification etc. or with different Email ID/Mobile Number are informed that all such applications will be summarily rejected.
- Applicants have to download printouts of their online application which should be produced as and when required by the Railway Administration.
- Applicants are required to report for Document /Certificate Verification with their Originals along with Medical Fitness Certificate (Annexure G) in the concerned Division / Workshop / Unit.
- Applicants are required to upload their EWS Certificate as mentioned at Para 3.7 if he/she is claiming against EWS Quota
भरतीशी संबंधित अधिक माहितीसाठी, तुम्ही ही सरकारी नोकरीची अधिसूचना पाहू शकता, कृपया ही रोजगार बातम्यांची माहिती तुमच्या मित्रांसह शेअर करा आणि त्यांना सरकारी नोकऱ्या मिळवण्यात मदत करा. इतर सरकारी नोकऱ्यांचे मोफत जॉब अलर्ट मराठी मध्ये मिळवण्यासाठी रोज Mahabharti.in ला भेट द्या.
अधिक माहिती करिता कृपया दिलेली PDF जाहिरात बघावी.
Important Links For rrc-wr.com Apprentice Notification 2024
???? PDF जाहिरात (Short PDF जाहिरात) |
https://shorturl.at/LTiYA |
???? PDF जाहिरात (पूर्ण PDF ) |
https://shorturl.at/J6gXf |
???? PDF जाहिरात (शुद्धिपत्रक) |
https://shorturl.at/rbhWC |
???? ऑनलाईन अर्ज करा |
https://shorturl.at/4ivWx |
✅ अधिकृत वेबसाईट |
https://www.rrc-wr.com/ |
The recruitment notification has been declared from the Western Railway for interested and eligible candidates. Online applications are invited for the Apprentice posts. There are 5066 Vacancies available to fill. Applicants need to apply online mode for Western Railway Recruitment 2024. Interested and eligible candidates can submit their applications through given Link. For more details about Western Railway Bharti 2024 Details, Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024, Western Railway Vacancy 2024 visit our website www.MahaBharti.in.
Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024 Details |
???? Name of Department | Western Railway |
???? Recruitment Details | Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024 |
???? Name of Posts | Apprentice |
????Job Location | Mumabi |
✍????Application Mode | Online |
✅Official WebSite | https://www.rrc-wr.com/ |
Educational Qualification For RRC Western Railway Apprentice Bharti 2024 |
Apprentice | 10th Pass + ITI in Related Field |
Age Criteria RRC WR Apprentice Recruitment 2024 |
Age | The Applicants should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 22/10/2024. |
Salary Details For Western Railway Apprentice Job 2024 |
Apprentice | — |
Application Fee For WR Apprentice Vacancy 2024 |
Fee |
Western Railway Apprentice Vacancy Details |
Apprentice | 5066 |
All Important Dates RRC Western Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2024 |
⏰Last Date | |
www.rrc-wr.com Apprentice Bharti 2024 Important Links |
????Advertisement | READ PDF |
Apply Online | |
✅ Official Website | Official Website |
Table of Contents
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