Krushi Vibhag Mock Test – कृषी विभाग मॉक टेस्ट 2025!!

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Krushi Vibhag Mock Test – कृषी विभाग मॉक टेस्ट 2025!!

Krushi Vibhag Test Series

Krushi Vibhag Mock Test – कृषी विभाग मॉक टेस्ट 2025!!

Krushi Vibhag Test Series

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Krushi Vibhag: Maharashtra Krushi Sevak Bharti exam 2025 Online mock test Series or Free Mock Test for all students who are preparing for Maha Krushi Sevak Bharti 2025. Every Question Paper in Maharashtra Krushi Vibhag Exam has a designated weightage so do not miss out on any Paper. Prepare and Practice daily Krushi Sevak Question Paper and you can also check your Marks Online At the same time. So attempt Krushi Vibhag Mock Test Series By MahaBharti Exam.

कृषी विभाग अपेक्षित प्रश्नसंच | एकूण १५ प्रश्नपत्रिका संच

About the Department of Agriculture (Krishi Vibhag):

Krushi Sevak Vibhag

As the population of India was growing, there was a growing need for agriculture production, in the 19th century. Feminine Commission of 1881 recommended the department of agriculture in India, which was established in 1883.

The main objective of Krishi Vibhag was to provide all the necessary assistance from the government of India in order to increase the overall productivity in agriculture in rural areas and also including all the departments related to the agricultural sector.

Krushi Sevak Previous Year Question Paper | कृषी सेवक मागील वर्षीच्या प्रश्नपत्रिका डाउनलोड करा

खालील विषयांवर कृषीसेवक परीक्षा होईल – | Krushi Sevak Mock Test 2025

विषय प्रश्नसंख्या
मराठी 20 प्रश्न
इंग्रजी 20 प्रश्न
सामान्य ज्ञान 20 प्रश्न
बौध्दिक चाचणी 20 प्रश्न
कृषी विषयक 120 प्रश्न
एकूण 200 प्रश्न

कृषीसेवक परीक्षा बाबत महत्वाच्या बाबी खालीलप्रमाणे – Free Kushi Sevak Mock Test

  • कृषीसेवक परीक्षा ऑनलाइन प्रक्रियेद्वारे मराठी भाषेत घेतली जाईल.
  • कृषीसेवक परीक्षा हि एकूण 200 गुणांसाठी होईल व त्यात 200 प्रश्न राहतील.
  • परीक्षा कालावधी 2 तास राहील.
  • ऑनलाईन परीक्षा हि MCQ पद्धतीत होईल.
  • परीक्षेचा दर्जा हा ईयत्ता 10 च्या अभ्यासक्रमावर राहील.

महाराष्ट्र कृषी सेवक सिल्याबस आणि एक्साम पॅटर्न २०२३, ९००+ पदाच्या भरतीस उपयुक्त माहिती- Maharashtra Krishi Vibhag Krishi Sevak Syllabus 2023

Maharashtra Krushi Sevak Syllabus 2025


1. Antonyms.
2. Synonyms.
3. Reading Comprehension.
4. Error Spotting/ Phrase Replacement.
5. Fill in the Blanks.
6. Unseen Passages.
7. Missing Verbs.
8. Word Formation.
9. Articles.
10. Grammar.
11. Adjectives.
12. Para Jumbles.
13. Idioms & Phrases.
14. Cloze Test.
15. Sentence Corrections.
16. Verb.
17. Adverb.
18. Meanings.
19. Subject-verb Agreement.
20. Sentence Rearrangements.


1. One word for a sentence.
2. Opposite words.
3. Words Followed by Particular propositions.
4. One Word Substitution.
5. Grammar.
6. Antonyms and synonyms.
7. some Grammar related questions.


1. Problems on directions.
2. Problems on calendars.
3. Venn diagram.
4. Problems related to analysis and analogy.
5. Alphabetical Series and number series.
6. Coding and decoding.
7. Classification.
8. Some mathematical operations.


1. Simple arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
2. Problems on averages.
3. Allegations and mixtures.
4. Square roots and Cube roots.
5. Time and distance.
6. Problems on a train.
7. Problems on number systems.
8. Time and work.
9. Area of triangle, circle, square etc.

General Awareness

1. General Questions on Computer Awareness.
2. Questions on International & National Sports.
3. Current Affairs.
4. Question on General Science.
5. Geography of Maharashtra.
6. Constitution of India.
7. General Questions on Maharashtra history.


1. Post-Harvest Technology.
2. Historical developments in Agriculture.
3. Watershed Management.
4. Herbicides and Fungicides.
5. Plant Genetic Resources.
6. Types of Soils.
7. Tissue culture and Plant Genetic Engineering.
8. Plant Diseases.
9. Neurophysiology.
10. Agro-based industries.
11. Extension Education.
12. Integrated Farming Systems.
13. Weed flora and their management.
14. Afforestation.
15. Bio-diversity.
16. Ultra Structure of Plant cells.
17. Global warming.
18. Fertilizer control.
19. Insect morphology.
20. Horticultural crops.
21. Agricultural Economics.
21. The importance of Horticulture.
22. Cell structure.

Krushi Vibhag Bharti Syllabus 2025 – महाराष्ट्र कृषी लघु टंकलेखक/लघुलेखक, वरिष्ठ लिपिक, सहायक अधीक्षक अभ्यासक्रम PDF

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