नागपूर येथे “या” पदांसाठी रोजगार मेळावा आयोजित; त्वरित नोंदणी करा!! Nagpur Job Fair 2024
Nagpur Job Fair 2024
Nagpur Job Fair 2024
Nagpur Job Fair 2024: Nagpur Rojgar Melava is scheduled for the 06th April 2024. The Nagpur Job Fair 2024 is a significant event aimed at facilitating employment opportunities for job seekers and connecting them with potential employers. Organized by local authorities, in collaboration with various stakeholders such as government agencies, educational institutions, and private companies, the job fair serves as a platform for fostering economic growth and addressing unemployment challenges in the region. The updates & details about this are mentioned here. The respective details are given here. The job location is in Nagpur. Further details about Nagpur Job Fair 2024 are as follows:
आणि हो मित्रांनो, तसेच या संदर्भातील सर्व नवीन माहिती व महत्वाच्या बातम्या मिळवण्यासाठी या 👉लिंक वरून व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा किंवा 👉या लिंक वरून आमच्या महाभरती व्हाट्सअँप ग्रुपला जॉईन व्हा..
अन्य महत्वाच्या भरती
✅युनियन बँक अंतर्गत 2691 पदांची भरती सुरु; पदवीधारकांना नोकरीची संधी!!
🔥भारतीय नौदलात भारतीय नौदलात अंतर्गत 327 रिक्त पदांची भरती सुरु नविन जाहिरात प्रकाशित!!
✅अर्ज सूरु-रयत शिक्षण संस्था सातारा अंतर्गत 83 रिक्त पदांची भरती; थेट ई-मेल द्वारे करा अर्ज!!
✅पोलीस भरती २०२४ अपेक्षित प्रश्नसंच सोडवा!- मोफत टेस्ट सिरीज २०२४
✅१० वी, १२ वी पास उमेदवारांसाठी नोकरीच्या भरपूर संधी !!
✅आरोग्य विभाग, पोलीस, तलाठी, ZP,वन विभाग आणि अन्य भरतीचे सराव पेपर्स चे App
Nagpur Rojage Melava 2024 Complete Details
नागपूर येथे “पर्यवेक्षक, प्रकल्प प्रतिनिधी, ग्राहक सेवा कार्यकारी, जीवन मित्रा, पदवीधर प्रशिक्षणार्थी, विकास व्यवस्थापक” पदांकरिता पंडित दिनदयाल उपाध्याय जॉब फेअर आयोजन करण्यात आलेले आहे. या मेळाव्या अंतर्गत 120+ जागा भरण्यात येणार आहेत. इच्छुक आणि पात्र उमेदवारांनी खाली दिलेल्यान लिंक वरून नोंदणी करावी व रोजगार मेळाव्याकरिता हजर राहावे. मेळाव्याचे आयोजन 06 एप्रिल 2024 दरम्यान करण्यात आले आहे.
Nagpur Rojgar Melava Bharti 2024 registration process is started now. The Notifications are now published by the PANDIT DINDAYAL UPADHYAY JOB FAIR. This Job fair is scheduled for the “SUPERVISOR , PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE, CUSTOMER CARE EXECUTIVE, LIFE MITRA, GRADUATE TRAINEE,DEVELOP[MENT MANEGER” posts. There are a total of 120+ vacancies available there under this Job Fair in Nagpur District. The details like eligibility criteria, educational qualification, vacancy details, etc, are completely mentioned in this article. For more details about Nagpur Rojgar Melava 2024, visit our website www.MahaBharti.in.
- मेळाव्याचे नाव – पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय रोजगार मेळावा मधील रिक्त पदे : पंडीत दिनदयाळ विभागीय रोजगार मेळावा-1 /2024-25
- पदाचे नाव – पर्यवेक्षक, प्रकल्प प्रतिनिधी, ग्राहक सेवा कार्यकारी, जीवन मित्रा, पदवीधर प्रशिक्षणार्थी, विकास व्यवस्थापक
- पदसंख्या – 120+ जागा
- शैक्षणिक पात्रता – (Read Pdf)
- भरती – खाजगी नियोक्ता (Private Employer)
- अर्ज पध्दती – ऑनलाईन नोंदणी (Online Registration)
- राज्य – महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra)
- विभाग – नागपूर (Nagpur)
- नोकरी ठिकाण – नागपूर (Nagpur)
- मेळाव्याची तारीख – 06 एप्रिल 2024
Nagpur Online Job Fair 2024
Nagpur Job Fair 2024 Details |
No of Posts | — Vacancies |
District | Nagpur |
Job Fair Date | 6th April 2024 |
Key features and highlights of the Nagpur Job Fair 2024 include:
- Venue and Dates: The event is scheduled to take place at a centrally located venue in Nagpur, ensuring accessibility for job seekers from across the city and neighboring areas. The dates of the job fair are typically announced well in advance to allow participants to plan and prepare accordingly.
- Diverse Participation: The job fair attracts participation from a wide range of industries, including IT, manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, retail, banking, and more. Employers from both the public and private sectors are encouraged to participate, offering opportunities for candidates with varying skill sets and qualifications.
- Job Opportunities: Job seekers can explore a plethora of job opportunities available at the fair, ranging from entry-level positions to managerial roles. Companies participating in the job fair often showcase vacancies in fields such as software development, sales and marketing, customer service, administration, engineering, and beyond.
- Networking Opportunities: The job fair provides an excellent platform for networking and building connections with industry professionals, recruiters, and potential employers. Job seekers can interact with representatives from companies, learn about their organizational culture, and discuss career prospects within the company.
- Skill Development Workshops: In addition to job opportunities, the Nagpur Job Fair may feature skill development workshops, seminars, and career counseling sessions aimed at enhancing the employability of participants. These workshops may cover topics such as resume writing, interview preparation, personality development, and industry-specific skills training.
- On-the-Spot Interviews: Some employers participating in the job fair may conduct on-the-spot interviews and recruitment processes. This provides job seekers with the opportunity to make a direct impression on hiring managers and potentially secure job offers during the event itself.
- Information Booths and Exhibitions: Information booths and exhibitions set up at the job fair offer valuable resources and insights into various aspects of employment, including government schemes, vocational training programs, entrepreneurship opportunities, and educational pathways for career advancement.
- Accessibility and Inclusivity: The organizers of the Nagpur Job Fair prioritize accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that the event is accessible to job seekers from diverse backgrounds, including persons with disabilities, women, and individuals from marginalized communities.
Overall, the Nagpur Job Fair 2024 serves as a dynamic platform for bridging the gap between job seekers and employers, fostering economic empowerment, and contributing to the overall development of the region’s workforce.
भरतीशी संबंधित अधिक माहितीसाठी, तुम्ही ही सरकारी नोकरीची अधिसूचना पाहू शकता, कृपया ही रोजगार बातम्यांची माहिती तुमच्या मित्रांसह शेअर करा आणि त्यांना सरकारी नोकऱ्या मिळवण्यात मदत करा. इतर सरकारी नोकऱ्यांचे मोफत जॉब अलर्ट मराठी मध्ये मिळवण्यासाठी रोज Mahabharti.in ला भेट द्या.
अधिक माहिती करिता कृपया दिलेली PDF जाहिरात वाचावी.
Important Links Nagpur Rojgar Melava 2024| @rojgar.mahaswayam.in 2024
???? जाहिरात | https://shorturl.at/kzHJ8 |
???? नोंदणी करा | https://shorturl.at/qEGNY |
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