ESIC बिबवेवाडी, पुणे भरती निवड व प्रतीक्षा यादी | ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result
ESIC Pune Bharti Result
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result: On the basis of walk in interview held on 17/12/2024 and 18/12/2024, List of Selected / Waitlisted candidates against SR-1 Year on contract basis (Against the vacant post of GDMO) and Full Time/ Part Time Specialist on contact in basis in the department of Dentistry, Dental (Endodintist), Psychiatry, Nephrology, and Medical Oncology is as under:
१७/१२/२०२४ आणि १८/१२/२०२४ रोजी झालेल्या वॉक इन मुलाखतीच्या आधारे, दंतचिकित्सा, दंत (एंडोडायंटिस्ट), मानसोपचार, नेफ्रोलॉजी आणि मेडिकल ऑन्कोलॉजी विभागात करार आधारावर (जीडीएमओच्या रिक्त पदाविरुद्ध) आणि संपर्क आधारावर पूर्णवेळ/अंशकालिक तज्ञांसाठी निवडलेल्या/प्रतिक्षा यादीतील उमेदवारांची यादी खालीलप्रमाणे आहे…या भरती संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स वेळेवर मिळण्यासाठी महाभरतीची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप येथे क्लिक करून लगेच आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा.
आणि हो मित्रांनो, तसेच या संदर्भातील सर्व नवीन माहिती व महत्वाच्या बातम्या मिळवण्यासाठी या 👉लिंक वरून व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा किंवा 👉या लिंक वरून आमच्या महाभरती व्हाट्सअँप ग्रुपला जॉईन व्हा..
अन्य महत्वाच्या भरती
✅युनियन बँक अंतर्गत 2691 पदांची भरती सुरु; पदवीधारकांना नोकरीची संधी!!
🔥भारतीय नौदलात भारतीय नौदलात अंतर्गत 327 रिक्त पदांची भरती सुरु नविन जाहिरात प्रकाशित!!
✅अर्ज सूरु-रयत शिक्षण संस्था सातारा अंतर्गत 83 रिक्त पदांची भरती; थेट ई-मेल द्वारे करा अर्ज!!
✅पोलीस भरती २०२४ अपेक्षित प्रश्नसंच सोडवा!- मोफत टेस्ट सिरीज २०२४
✅१० वी, १२ वी पास उमेदवारांसाठी नोकरीच्या भरपूर संधी !!
✅आरोग्य विभाग, पोलीस, तलाठी, ZP,वन विभाग आणि अन्य भरतीचे सराव पेपर्स चे App
ESIC Pune Result PDF
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result: On the basis of walk in interview held on 12/12/2024 to 16/12/2024, a list of selected / waitlisted candidates against SR-3 years on contract basis (under Senior Residency scheme) and Full Time/ Part Time Specialist on contact basis is as under:
१२/१२/२०२४ ते १६/१२/२०२४ रोजी झालेल्या वॉक इन मुलाखतीच्या आधारे, करार आधारावर (वरिष्ठ निवासी योजनेअंतर्गत) SR-३ वर्षे आणि संपर्क आधारावर पूर्णवेळ/अंशकालिक तज्ञांसाठी निवडलेल्या/प्रतिक्षा यादीतील उमेदवारांची यादी खालीलप्रमाणे आहे..या भरती संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स वेळेवर मिळण्यासाठी महाभरतीची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप येथे क्लिक करून लगेच आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा.
Important Note:
1. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, ESI Corporation reserves the right to rectify the errors/omissions, if any comes to its notice.
2. The candidature of all the candidates is provisional subject to verification of their Originals Certificates in support of Essential Qualifications, Age, Reservation, Experience as claimed, NOC etc. up to the satisfaction of Appointing Authority.
3. The recruitments are purely on Contractual basis and selected Candidates will have no claim for regularization of the service in the Hospital.
4. The tenure for the post of Full Time Specialist is either one year (extendable up to three years) or till the joining of Regular Specialists whichever is earlier. Further, tenure for the post of SR-3 year is three year.
5. The selection is subject to the candidates providing their Medical fitness.
6. If he/she is already employed he/she should produce Relieving Order / NO Objection Certificate / Post completion certificate from the Employer failing which he/she will not allowed to join and his/her candidature may be cancelled.
7. Candidates belonging to OBC Category are required to submit latest OBC certificate in the prescribed pro-forma of Govt. of India.
8. Offer of appointment will be issued as per requirement in due course.
9. The Selected Candidates needs to join duty within 07 days from the date of offer of appointment.
10. Selected candidates will have to sign Agreement of Terms & Conditions on Rs.500/- Stamp paper to be purchased by the candidate prior to joining.
1 | ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune | Result of walk in interview for the post of SR-3 Years, Full Time, Part time Specialist on contract basis in ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune held during 12 Dec 2024 to 16 Dec 2024 . size:(162.87 KB) . | 2024-12-17 | Result | 10070/2024 |
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Walk In Result
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result: On the basis of walk-in interview held on 20.09.2024, list of selected waitlisted candidates against SR-1 Year on contract basis (against the post of GDMO) and SR-3Years on contract basis (under Senior Residency scheme) is as under:
20/09/2024 रोजी झालेल्या वॉक-इन मुलाखतीच्या आधारावर, SR-1 वर्षाच्या कराराच्या आधारावर (GDMO पदाच्या विरुद्ध) आणि SR-3 या पदासाठी निवडलेल्या/प्रतीक्षा यादीतील उमेदवारांची यादी कराराच्या आधारावर वर्षे (वरिष्ठ रेसिडेन्सी योजनेअंतर्गत) खालीलप्रमाणे आहे..या भरती संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स वेळेवर मिळण्यासाठी महाभरतीची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप येथे क्लिक करून लगेच आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा.
ESIC Hospital, Bibvewadi, Pune. | Result of walk-in interview held on 20.09.2024 for the post of SR-01 Year and SR-03 Year. | 2024-09-27 | Result |
ESIC Pune Bharti Result
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result: On the basis of walk-in interview held on 15/05/2024, list of selected/waitlisted candidates against the post of SR-1 Year on contract basis (against the post of GDMO) and SR-3 years on contract basis (under Senior Residency scheme) is as under –
15/05/2024 रोजी झालेल्या वॉक-इन मुलाखतीच्या आधारावर, SR-1 वर्षाच्या कराराच्या आधारावर (GDMO पदाच्या विरुद्ध) आणि SR-3 या पदासाठी निवडलेल्या/प्रतीक्षा यादीतील उमेदवारांची यादी कराराच्या आधारावर वर्षे (वरिष्ठ रेसिडेन्सी योजनेअंतर्गत) खालीलप्रमाणे आहे..या भरती संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स वेळेवर मिळण्यासाठी महाभरतीची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप येथे क्लिक करून लगेच आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा.
1 | ESIC Hospital, Bibvewadi, Pune- 411 037 | 2024-05-18 | Result |
Important Note:
1. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, ESI Corporation reserves the right to rectify the errors/omissions, if any comes to its notice.
2. The candidature of all the candidates is provisional, subject to verification of their originals certificates in support of essential qualifications, age, reservation, experience as claimed, NOC etc up to the satisfaction of Appointing Authority.
3. The recruitments are purely on contractual basis and selected candidates will have no claim for regularisation of the service in the hospital.
4. The tenure for the post of SR-1 year is either one year or till the joining of regular GDMO, whichever is
5. The selection is subject to the medical fitness of the candidates.
6. If the candidate is already employed, he/she shall have to produce relieving order / no objection certificate / post completion certificate from the employer, failing which he/she will not be allowed to join and his/her candidature shall be cancelled.
7. Candidates belonging to OBC category are required to submit the latest OBC certificate in the prescribed proforma of Govt. of India.
8. Offer of appointment will be issued as per the requirement in due course.
9. The selected candidates needs to join duty within 07 days from the date of offer of appointment.
10. Selected candidates will have to sign agreement of Terms & Conditions on a stamp paper of Rs.100/- to be purchased by the candidate prior to joining.
11. For all the posts, a security deposit by way of Demand Draft drawn on nationalized bank in favour of ESI Fund A/c No. 1 payable atPune has to be submitted at the time of joining
12. Offer of appointment will be sent through email provided at the time of interview.
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result: ESIC Hospital, Bibvewadi, Pune Result of the Walk-in interview conducted for recruitment of FT PT Specialist, SR- 1 Year against the post of GDMO and PT Ayurvedic Physician held on 28.08.2023 has been Published on Official Candidates who attended ESIC Pune Interview on given date can download ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result from below link. Selection List/ Waiting List of Full Time Specialist 1 Year on contract basis (extendable up to 3 years, subject to satisfactory performance), SR-1 Year Contract basis against the post of GDMO and Part Time Ayurvedic Physician (Interview Held on 28/08/2023) is as under –
कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा कॉर्पोरेशन हॉस्पिटल बिबवेवाडी, पुणे अंतर्गत पूर्णवेळ विशेषज्ञ, ज्येष्ठ रहिवासी पदभरती परीक्षेची निवड व प्रतीक्षा यादी जाहीर करण्यात आलेली आहे. यादी डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करावे.
या भरती संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स वेळेवर मिळण्यासाठी महाभरतीची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप येथे क्लिक करून लगेच आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा.
Important Note For ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Selection List
1. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, ESI Corporation reserves the right to rectify the errors/omissions, if any comes to its notice.
2. The candidature of all the candidates is provisional subject to verification of their Originals Certificates in support of Essential Qualifications, Age, Reservation, Experience as claimed, NOC etc up to the satisfaction of Appointing Authority.
3. The recruitments are purely on Contractual basis and selected Candidates will have no claim for regularization of the service in the Hospital.
4. The tenure for the post of Full Time Specialist is either one year (extendable up to three years) or till the joining of Regular Specialists whichever is earlier.
5. The selection is subject to the candidates providing their Medical fitness
6. If he/she is already employed he/she should produce Relieving Order / NO Objection Certificate / Post completion certificate from the Employer failing which he/she will not allowed to join and his/her candidature may be cancelled.
7. Candidates belonging to OBC Category are required to submit latest OBC certificate in the prescribed proforma of Govt. of India
8. Offer of appointment will be issued as per requirement in due course.
9. The Selected Candidates needs to join duty within 07 days from the date of offer of appointment
10. Selected candidates will have to sign Agreement of Terms & Conditions on Rs.100/- Stamp paper to be purchased by the candidate prior to joining.
11. For Full Time Specialists 1 Year on contract basis and SR-1 Year contract basis (Against the post of GDMO): A Security deposit of Rs.10,000/- by way of Demand
Draft drawn on nationalized bank in favour of ESIC Fund Acc No. 1 payable at Pune has to be submitted at the time of joining
12. Offer of appointment will also be sent through email.
Download ESIC Pune Selection List
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Selection & Waiting List
ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result : Employees State Insurance Corporation Hospital Bibwewadi, Pune has announced the selection and waiting list for the full time Specialist, Senior Resident Recruitment Examination. Click on the link below to download the list.
कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा कॉर्पोरेशन हॉस्पिटल बिबवेवाडी, पुणे अंतर्गत पूर्णवेळ विशेषज्ञ, ज्येष्ठ रहिवासी पदभरती परीक्षेची निवड व प्रतीक्षा यादी जाहीर करण्यात आलेली आहे. यादी डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करावे.
Important Links For ESIC Hospital Bibvewadi Pune Result
कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा कॉर्पोरेशन हॉस्पिटल बिबवेवाडी, पुणे अंतर्गत पूर्ण वेळ / अर्ध-वेळ विशेषज्ञ, ज्येष्ठ रहिवासी पदभरती परीक्षेची निवड व प्रतीक्षा यादी जाहीर करण्यात आलेली आहे. यादी डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करावे.
अधिक माहिती करिता कृपया दिलेली PDF जाहिरात वाचावी.
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