Schemes for Handicapped
Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped Candidates
Table of Contents
Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped
Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped Person or Disability Person are given in this page. There are total three Schemes launches by Maharashtra State Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation for Handicapped Persons. This Schemes are Term Loan, Education Loan and Micro Credit Finance Scheme. Complete details of All this Schemes and Objective of this schemes are given below. Candidates read the complete details carefully and apply online from this page.
नांदेड वाघाळा शहर महानगरपालिका, हदिदतील दिव्यांग (अपंग) लाभार्थ्यांना कळविण्यात येते की, शासन निर्णयानुसार दिव्यांग नागरीकां करीता राखीव ठेवण्यात आलेल्या 5% निधी मधून दिव्यांग लाभार्थंनकरीता खालील योजनेसाठी अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत.
अपंग विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी वसतिगृहांमध्ये पाच टक्के आरक्षण
Divyang Yojana UIDAI Certificate
दिव्यांगांना योजनेचा लाभ घेण्यासाठी UIDAI प्रमाणपत्र
अपंगांसाठी शिक्षण आणि प्रशिक्षण योजना
Objective of Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped
अपंग व्यक्तीसाठी शिष्यवृत्ती योजना
Maharashtra State Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation, Mumbai Main Objective is to undertake, carry on, assist to carry on and promote economic development activities including self employment and other ventures for benefit and economic rehabilitation of handicapped persons regardless of their religion, sex, caste and age, in collaboration with State Government Ministries/Departments, extend financial assistance/loans/concessional finance to handicapped persons for implementing economically and financially viable schemes /projects, to grant loans to the handicapped for pursuing education at graduation and higher levels, to assist in up gradation/ improvement of technical and entrepreneurial skills, to set up training, quality control, process development and other infrastructural development activities aimed to achieve economic rehabilitation/upliftment of handicapped persons, to assist other organizations engaged in rehabilitation of the handicapped by providing financial assistance, to assist businesses run by handicapped persons in procuring raw materials and marketing finished goods and to work as an Apex Institution for the State of Maharashtra for channelizing the funds received from State Finance Corporation or the Central Government.
इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय अपंग निवृत्तीवेतन योजना संपूर्ण माहिती
मुदत कर्ज योजना, शैक्षणिक कर्ज योजना, सूक्ष्म वित्त पुरवठा, थेट कर्ज योजना
अ.क्र. | योजना | सविस्तर माहिती |
1 | योजनेचे नाव | मुदत कर्ज योजना, शैक्षणिक कर्ज योजना, सूक्ष्म वित्त पुरवठा, थेट कर्ज योजना |
२ | योजनेचा प्रकार | शासन वैयक्तिक थेट कर्ज योजना राष्ट्रीय महामंडळ (NHFDC) च्या मुदती कर्ज योजना व इतर योजना |
३ | योजनेचा उद्देश | राज्यातील अपंग व्यक्तींना स्वयंरोजगारासाठी आर्थिक सहाय्य उपलब्ध व्हावे, समाजातील दुर्बल व दुर्लक्षित अपंगाच्या जीवनातील अंधकार दूर करून त्यांना समाजाच्या मुख्य प्रवाहात आणावे या उद्देशाने स्वतंत्र महामंडळाची स्थापना करण्यात आलेली आहे. |
४ | योजना ज्या प्रवर्गासाठी लागु आहे. | अपंग प्रवर्गासाठी |
५ | योजनेच्या प्रमुख अटी | १.लाभार्थी किमान 40 % अपंग असलेला असावा. २. अर्जदाराचे वय 18 वर्षे व त्यापेक्षा जास्त असावे. ३. अर्जदाराने निवडलेल्या व्यवसायाचे त्या अर्जदारास ज्ञान किंवा अनुभव असावा. |
६ | अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत | अपंग व्यक्तींना अल्प व्याज दराने स्वयंरोजगारासाठी कर्ज उपलब्ध करून देण्यात येते. |
७ | अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत | राज्यातील सर्व जिल्ह्यात महाराष्ट्र राज्य इतर मागासवर्गीय वित्त व विकास महामंडळामार्फत या महामंडळाचे कामकाज पाहण्यात येते जिल्हा कार्यालयात प्रत्यक्षरित्या कर्जाच्या ऑनलाईन अर्जाची विक्री व कर्ज वितरण करण्यात येत. अशा पध्दतीने कर्ज स्विकृती व मंजूरी बाबतची कार्यवाही सुरू आहे. |
८ | योजनेची वर्गवारी | सदर महामंडळामार्फत अपंग व्यक्तींना
९ | संपर्क कार्यालयाचे नाव व दूरध्वनी क्रमांक | महाराष्ट्र राज्य अपंग वित्त व विकास महामंडळ, वांद्रे, मुंबई – ५१ दूरध्वनी क्रमांक – ०२२ – २६५९१६२०/२२ फेक्स ०२२ – २६५९१६२१ |
Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped Details Term Loan
Sr No | Scheme | Detailed Information |
14.1 | Name of the Scheme | Term Loan |
2 | Funding by | Centre |
3 | Scheme Objective | National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation, New Delhi & State Corporation jointly. Project limit: uptoRs. 5 lacsRate of Interest (Annual):5% up to Rs. 50,000 / -Rs. 50,000 / – Above 6%1% discount for women beneficiariesAlso, the interest rate for the blind, the marginal and the downtrodden category is 0.5% percent discount.Repayment period: 5 yearsParticipant beneficiary: 5% (for a loan above one lakh loan cases) |
4 | Beneficiary Category | Physically Disabled |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | Loan amount is provided at lower interest rate. |
7 | Application Process | Loan application should be submitted to concern District Office in prescribed loan application along with required documents. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Economic Upliftment of Disabled person |
9 | Contact Office | |
10 | Application Form | Term Loan Application Form |
11 | Application Acceptance Period | Until receipt of all necessary documents with the Demand Draft application in the prescribed format. |
अंध, अपंग, विकलांग व्यक्तिंना कृत्रिम अवयव घेणेसाठी योजना
Statistical Summary
Sr No | Year | Expenditure In Lakhs (INR) | Beneficiaries | Beneficiary Information |
1 | 2012-13 | 482.61 | 401 | NA |
2 | 2013-14 | 1357.16 | 1054 | NA |
3 | 2014-15 | 1319.32 | 856 | NA |
4 | 2015-16 | 1678.98 | 793 | NA |
5 | 2016-17 | 1713.62 | 897 | NA |
अपंगांना स्वयंरोजगारासाठी अर्थसहाय्य-(DWS)
Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped Education Loan for Handicapped
Sr No | Scheme | Detailed Information |
14.2 | Name of the Scheme | Education Loan |
2 | Funding by | National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation, New Delhi & State Corporation jointly. |
3 | Scheme Objective | H.S.CThen the self-educated learner / trainee can avail the scheme. H.S.C These loans are then available for all jobable courses. The curriculum should be accepted by the government. In this loan scheme, hostels, colleges, training centers, reading rooms, tuition, laboratories, construction funds etc. Buy books, apparel purchase, purchase of educational equipment and equipment, travel expenses, computer purchase upto fifty thousand rupees for two-wheeler, educational material and equipment purchase, field work, project work etc. All expenses are admissible for the loan amount. |
4 | Beneficiary Category | Physically Challenged |
5 | Eligibility Criteria | Debt Limit: The domestic rupee 10 lakhs
Rs 20 lakh abroad Annual Interest Rate: 4% 3.5% for women Loan repayment: 7 years
6 | Benefits Provided | To provide loan to the Students studying in Profession and Technical courses in Government recognised Institutes. |
7 | Application Process | Loan application should be submitted to concern District Office in prescribed loan application along with required documents. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Economic Upliftment of Disabled person |
9 | Contact Office | |
10 | Application Form | Education Loan Form |
11 | Application Acceptance Period | Until receipt of all necessary documents with the Demand Draft application in the prescribed format. |
अपंगांसाठी विशेष मायक्रो फायनान्स योजना (VMY)
Statistical Summary
Sr No | Year | Expenditure In Lakhs (INR) | Beneficiaries |
1 | 2012-13 | 18.26 | 13 |
2 | 2013-14 | 40.35 | 30 |
3 | 2014-15 | 33.75 | 21 |
4 | 2015-16 | 36.38 | 19 |
5 | 2016-17 | 15.75 | 14 |
Micro Credit Finance for Handicapped
Sr No | Scheme | Detailed Information |
14.3 | Name of the Scheme | Micro Credit Finance |
2 | Funding by | National Handicapped Finance & Development Corporation, New Delhi & State Corporation jointly. |
3 | Scheme Objective | To provide loan amount to Male & Female beneficiaries through NGO or directly for self-employment activities |
4 | Beneficiary Category | Physically Disabled |
5 | Eligibility Criteria |
6 | Benefits Provided | Loan amount is provided at lower interest rate. |
7 | Application Process | Loan application should be submitted to concern District Office in prescribed loan application along with required documents. |
8 | Category of Scheme | Economic Upliftment of Disabled person through NGO |
9 | Contact Office | |
10 | Application Form | Micro Credit For NGO Form |
11 | Application Acceptance Period | Until receipt of all necessary documents with the Demand Draft application in the prescribed format. |
अपंग मोफत बस पास योजने बद्दल संपूर्ण माहिती
Statistical Summary
Sr No | Year | Expenditure In Lakhs (INR) | Beneficiaries |
1 | 2012-13 | – | 10.00 |
2 | 2013-14 | 2 | 10.00 |
3 | 2014-15 | – | – |
4 | 2015-16 | 1 | 5.00 |
5 | 2016-17 | – | – |
Online Apply link for Handicapped Candidates
अन्य महत्वाच्या योजना !!
नवीन योजना |
सरकारी योजना |
कृषी योजना |
प्रधानमंत्री योजना |
महाराष्ट्र योजना |
दिव्यांग योजना |
I want a loan cash credit attest 20 lacks rupees as I am running a business named AK Trader.and I have taken loan from co.op .bank nanded 15lacks with interest 12.5 per annum. Further request that if really want to help handicapped soldier pl help me by replacing the loan by your financial assistant.
Handicape soldier
दिव्यांग सर्टिफिकेट तयार करन्यासाठी आधार कार्ड जोडले आस्थाना रेशन कार्डची जरुरतकाय व गांवाकडले असेल तर चालत का नाही
अपंग नोकरीची भरती कधी निघणार आहे.प्लिज लवकरात लवकर अपंग नोकरीची भरती काढा.
Msrtc handicapped card for s t.bus
Job vacancies for handicapped /online scheme form link provide plz
Job vacancies for handicapped /online scheme Link provide plz
मला एसटी बस ची पास काडायची आहे आनलाईन काढायला जमते काय
Benefits of disability certificate
अपंग व्यक्तीच्या उदरनिर्वाहासाठी काही काम असेल तर Pls सांगा.
मि डाव्या डोळ्याने पुर्ण अंध आहे पण मला 30% अंध असल्याचे प्रमाणपत्र मिळाले आहे तर मला कोणते लाभ भेटतील व भेटत नसतील तर प्रमाणपत्र दुरुस्ती साठी काय करावे लागेल
Maharashtra Government Schemes for Handicapped
Handicap sathi kahi home lone suvidha ahe ka ani asel tar mala kalva
Handicap sathi kahi home lone suvidha ahe ka ani asel tar mala kalva
Msrtc handicapped card for s.t. Bus
एस टी बस साठी पास कुठे मिळेल
Mi handicapped aahe 1hat pay raid site kam karat nahi mi 55 parsent handicapped darshvle aahe mi PWD licence dharak aahe mala stol taknya sathi loan pahije milel ka tyasathi kay karave lagel mi Mumbai madhe rahato
Not facilities my child disability parson in Mumbai
Bmc not received all facilities my child age 9yers my child 100% disability parson please help me
Not facilities my child disability parson in Mumbai
Bmc not received all facilities my child age 9yers my child 100% disability parson please help me
Recwest for me please
Msrtc handicapped card for s.t. Bus