MBOSE HSSLC Results 2020
MBOSE HSSLC Results 2020
MBOSE HSSLC Results 2020 – Meghalaya Board 12th Arts Result 2020 will be released on the official website of the board Soon. After the class 12 Meghalaya board results are declared online students who appeared for the class 12 arts examination of Meghalaya board can check their results on the official website. The MBOSE class 12 arts examination result will be available on the official website of Meghalaya Board of Secondary Education. Students who have appeared for the examination will also be able to check the results through the direct link available in this page.
A total of 72.24 per cent students cleared the 12th Science stream exam this year, while the pass percentage in Commerce touched at 77.28 per cent. Kaustab Choudhury has topped in Science with 468 marks, while Komal Sharma in Commerce with 445 marks.
The boys have outperformed girls in Science stream with 77.76 per cent, while girls have outperformed boys in Commerce with 83.02 pass per cent. A total of 900 students secured first division marks in Science while 1406 students passed with second division, and 46 students in third division. In Commerce, a total of 631 students secured first division, while 794 students got second division, and 108 students passed with third division.
How to check Meghalaya Board HSSLC results:
Step 1: Go to official website of MBOSE at mbose.in
Step 2: Click on the link for HSSLC results.
Step 3: Log in using roll number and click on submit.
Step 4: Result will display on the screen.
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