स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी सराव प्रश्नपत्रिका क्रमांक ४ | Civil Engineering Practice Test 4

Civil Engineering Practice Test 4

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Civil Engineering Practice Test 4 : We are starting Civil Engineering practice question paper according to the new syllabus and changing exam patterns. In this, we are going to take important “Topics” practice questions for Civil Engineering Technical Subject. So let’s begin………

Civil Engineering Questions and Answers |  Civil Engineering Objective Questions and Answer

स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी सराव चाचणी 4 : आम्ही नवीन अभ्यासक्रमानुसार आणि बदलत्या परीक्षेच्या पद्धतीनुसार स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी सराव प्रश्नपत्रिका सुरू करत आहोत. यामध्ये आपण स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी तांत्रिक विषयासाठी महत्त्वाचे “विषय” सराव प्रश्न घेणार आहोत. चला तर मग सुरुवात करूया……..

तसेच या संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्ससाठी या लिंक वरून आपण आमच्या टेलिग्राम चॅनलला जॉईन करावे किंवा या लिंक वरून महाभरती एक्सामची अधिकृत अँप आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करावी आणि अधिक ताज्या आणि अधिकृत महाराष्ट्र परीक्षेच्या अपडेटसाठी MahaBharti.in/exam फॉलो करा:

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Civil Engineering Practice Test 4

Civil Engineering Practice Test 4

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व भरती परीक्षेस उपयुक्त नवीन IBPS/TCS पॅटर्न नुसार प्रश्न

1 / 15

The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of a square cross-section of 2.5 cm sides and 300 cm length is

2 / 15

The compression member has centre to centre length of 4.0m. it is foxed at one end and hinged at the other end. The effective length of the column is ____

3 / 15

For keeping the stress wholly compressive the load may be applied on a circular column anywhere within a concentric circle of diameter

4 / 15

The expected out turn of cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 per mason per day is _______

5 / 15

The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of square cross-section of 10 cm side and 500 cm long, is

6 / 15

The expected out turn of half brick partition wall per mason per day is _____

7 / 15

The expected out turn of 2.5 cm cement concrete floor per manson per day _____

8 / 15

The equivalent length of a column fixed at both ends is

9 / 15

If the width b and depth d of a beam simply supported with a central lod are interchanged the deflection at the centre of the beam will be changed in the ratio of ________

10 / 15

If the depth of a simply supported beam carrying an isolated load at its centre is doubled the deflection of the beam at the centre is changed by _______

11 / 15

A reinforced concrete beam of 10 m effective depth is supported on 500mm*500mm columns if oral uniformly distributed load on the beam 10 MN/m, then desing shear force for the beam is ____

12 / 15

The expected out turn of 12 nun plastering with cement mortar is _____

13 / 15

The t-atio of the effective length of a column and minimum radious of gyration of its cross-sectional area is known

14 / 15

A trapezoidal combines footing for two axially loaded columns is provided when _____

15 / 15

In a width of a simply supported beam carrying an isolated load at its centre is doubled, the deflection of the beam at the centre is changed by

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