Krushi Sevak Exam Analysis 2024
कृषि सेवक सकाळची shift मराठी सोपे आहे शब्दसंग्रह, रिकाम्या जागा भरा ,समानअर्थी विरूद्धार्थी शब्द इंग्रजी – उतारा आहे , Error ,Fill in the blanks, synonyms, Antonyms,Phrases , English Section Time consuming Gk – सोपे आहे ,मागच्या तीन महिन्यातील चालु घडामोडी ,भुगोल , इतिहास इत्यादी सोपे प्रश्न Reasoning – Puzzle , seating arrangement, alphanumeric series ,Time consuming.
All 60 questions of shift -1 krushisevak
कृषि सेवक shift 1
1.Round revolution 2.Ginning related to which crop 3.Inarching done in which crop 4.which soil suitable for coffee tea rubber 4 5. Silkworm disease 6. pyrethrum extracted from which part of chrysanthemum 7. In microirrgigation how many per water saved as compared to flood irrigation 8. golden fibre revolution related to 9. For mulberry cultivation what type of temperature and humidity required 10. extenstion vrti ek question 11. farming system che components 12 how many class of soil 13. PM kisan sampda yodnevr ek question 14. Training chi definition 15. Tics and mites sathi konte chemical use krtat 16. seed dormancy break harmone 17. Defination of vernalization 18. Germplasm stored in cold storage called as 19. what is delta 20. PM annadata yojna started in which year 21. biogeochemical Which among the following is not bacterial class 22. Agriculture census related 23. Apple of tropics 24. cold storage available in India for which crop is maximum 25. evapotranspiration measured by 26. soil temp depth 27deep rooted crop depth 28.mocropropagation definition 29Hydrophonics definition 30.Asam che konte silk ahe Credit – Pratiksha Sangule 1) giant napier is specific hybrid between? 2) maximum cold storages facility state 3)pesticides label colour 4)chaff removing processes 5) jhum cultivation 6) power tiller 7) silk worm diseases 8)Inflorescence in sugarcane 9)harmon for breaking seed dormancy 10) FPO highest in which state? 11) less organic matter n more Fe in which soil 12)mushroom 13) marginal farming 14)milling percentage of 100kg rice 15) niti ayog 31. Land holding of marginal farmer 32. which mansoon is beneficial for farmers eg .south east ,north east 33. which type of sprayer are used by farmers mostly 34which among the following not a component of organic farming 35. for agriculture census which among the point is considered eg.operatinal landholding, ownership of landholding 36. which type of wild mushroom can be mostly used in India 37. how many percent of raw rice can be produced from 100kg of paddy 38. grains are separated from straw by which method? 39.Giant nappier grass is cross bet ? 40.inforences of sugarcane called as 41.joom cultivation is also called as? 42.Bright red colour on pesticide indicates what? 43. How many Breakeven hours of power tiller? 1) giant napier is specific hybrid between? 2) maximum cold storages facility state 3)pesticides label colour 4)chaff removing processes 5) jhum cultivation 6) power tiller 7) silk worm diseases 8)Inflorescence in sugarcane 9)harmon for breaking seed dormancy 10) FPO highest in which state? 11) less organic matter n more Fe in which soil 12)mushroom 13) marginal farming 14)milling percentage of 100kg rice 15) niti ayog 

No question on Variety No question on seed rate No question on seed tech (Isolation distance) Sapota propagation Sugarcane inflorescence Round revolution Golden fibre revolution Soil testing depth Jhum cultivation Bio pesticides Officer club telegram channel Mushroom Sericulture Asaam muga 

*Micro prapagation *Inarching is done in *Seed dormancy harmone *Hydroponics 

Agriculture question हे General होते.
As per syallabus कमी प्रश्न होते विकास योजना सोडून बाकी Agriculture योजना करा कृषी च्या.
Sericulture वर 3 प्रश्न
मराठी सोपे आहे शब्दसंग्रह, रिकाम्या जागा भरा ,समानअर्थी विरूद्धार्थी शब्द,
Reasoning ahe easy Seating arrangement Circle ,line ,easy (level)
Marathi English easy ahe
Schemes vrti questions hote jast
Niti ayog
Konta app gov ne launch Kel hot tyat sagla ipm management, fertilizer, market price he sagla ahe
Agriculture current data census
Mushroom 1 question
Horticulture chrysanthemum flower
Sugarcane inflorescence
Horticulture commodities 2022-023 which highest- Option- 1) vegetables, fruits, plantation. 2) fruits, vegetables, plantation 3) plantation, vegetables,fruit 4) vegetables, plantation, fruits
Mushroom wild kontya variety Ch jast India mdhe ghetla Jat production
Yat sericulture disease Muga vrti ek hot
Agriculture la current vr hote questions
Kiti cm parynt deep tillage measurements hote
Evapotranspiration measurement kshat krt
Power tiller kiti hr parynt chlty
Jhum cultivation vrti ek hota
General Agriculture definition
Revolution 2 questions hote
Round revolution nd round fibre
Soil order kiti ahet
Organic matter less nd iron high? 1) red soil 2) laterite 3) black मराठी सोपे आहे शब्दसंग्रह, रिकाम्या जागा भरा ,समानअर्थी विरूद्धार्थी शब्द इंग्रजी – उतारा आहे , Error ,Fill in the blanks, synonyms, Antonyms,Phrases , English Section Time consuming Gk – सोपे आहे ,मागच्या तीन महिन्यातील चालु घडामोडी ,भुगोल , इतिहास इत्यादी सोपे प्रश्न Reasoning – Puzzle , seating arrangement, alphanumeric series ,Time consuming Vertisol,molisol, alluvial,yavrti ek hota Field capacity Delta use.. Apple of tropics Golden silk Field capacity Mulberry temperature nd humidity required? Cold storage kontya state mdhe highest ahet Year of establishment of bombay high court Macro nutrients? Zinc Copper Magnesium Boron Last soil classification class- mollisols
-Soil formation process 1 que from top to bottom.
-vernalisation one que-
highest cold storage which state and crop
– which soil is low in organic matter and high in iron best for plantation crops -lateratic.
– newely form soil- entisols
– how many soil orders in India – 8
Agriculture census started which year
Krushi Sevak Papers 2014 PDF Download । कृषी सेवक भरती 2014 प्रश्नपत्रिका