Central Railway Tender Nagpur Division – कमिशन एजंटच्या नियुक्तीसाठी अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत
Central Railway Tender Nagpur Division Application
Central Railway Tender Nagpur Division
Central Railway Tender Nagpur Division: Application are invited for appointment of Commission Agent at Bhidi for passenger halt station situated in between Deoli and Kalamb stations. Applicants Looking For Central Railway Tenders in Nagpur Division can apply for this CR Commission Agent Tender 2024. All details about Central Railway Tender Nagpur Division, Central Railway Nagpur Tender Application Form, CR Nagpur Tender Last Date is given below: Download Central Railway Nagpur Tender Application Form PDF, fill with all details given in Terms and Condition and send it to particular address given at the below of this article.
देवळी आणि कळंब स्थानकांदरम्यान असलेल्या पॅसेंजर हॉल्ट स्टेशनसाठी भिडी येथे कमिशन एजंटच्या नियुक्तीसाठी अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत. नागपूर विभागातील मध्य रेल्वेच्या निविदा शोधत असलेले अर्जदार या मध्य रेल्वेच्या कमिशन एजंट निविदा २०२४ साठी अर्ज करू शकतात. मध्य रेल्वे नागपूर विभाग निविदा, मध्य रेल्वे नागपूर निविदा अर्ज फॉर्म, मध्य रेल्वे नागपूर निविदा बद्दलचे सर्व तपशील खाली देण्यात आलेले आहे…या संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स वेळेवर मिळण्यासाठी महाभरतीची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप येथे क्लिक करून लगेच आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा.
आणि हो मित्रांनो, तसेच या संदर्भातील सर्व नवीन माहिती व महत्वाच्या बातम्या मिळवण्यासाठी या 👉लिंक वरून व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा किंवा 👉या लिंक वरून आमच्या महाभरती व्हाट्सअँप ग्रुपला जॉईन व्हा..
अन्य महत्वाच्या भरती
✅युनियन बँक अंतर्गत 2691 पदांची भरती सुरु; पदवीधारकांना नोकरीची संधी!!
🔥भारतीय नौदलात भारतीय नौदलात अंतर्गत 327 रिक्त पदांची भरती सुरु नविन जाहिरात प्रकाशित!!
✅अर्ज सूरु-रयत शिक्षण संस्था सातारा अंतर्गत 83 रिक्त पदांची भरती; थेट ई-मेल द्वारे करा अर्ज!!
✅पोलीस भरती २०२४ अपेक्षित प्रश्नसंच सोडवा!- मोफत टेस्ट सिरीज २०२४
✅१० वी, १२ वी पास उमेदवारांसाठी नोकरीच्या भरपूर संधी !!
✅आरोग्य विभाग, पोलीस, तलाठी, ZP,वन विभाग आणि अन्य भरतीचे सराव पेपर्स चे App
Central Railway Tender Description
The application should be submitted accompanied with the following documents duly attested. Certificate issued by DM/ADM/Tahsildar (The agent should be a permanent resident of the place where the halt station is situated), Domicile Certificate or VOTER Identity Card, Police Verfication certificate, PAN Card, Educational certificate (The halt contractor should be at least 10th standard pass and should have working knowledge of simple English so as to read the names of station and the value of tickets), Medical certificate showing that he is free from any communicable diseases & fit for the active service. Application along with Terms & Conditions of contract may be obtained from the Divisional Railway Manager (Commercial) Office, Central Railway, Nagpur on payment of Rs.100/-(Rupees One hundred only) on any working day between 10.00 to 16.00 hrs.Application along with Terms & Conditions of contract may be obtained from the Divisional Railway Manager (Commercial) Office, Central Railway, Nagpur on payment of Rs.100/-(Rupees One hundred only) on any working day between 10.00 to 16.00 hrs. from 07/03/2024 to 07/04/2024. Applications can also be downloaded from the website www.cr.indianrailways.gov.in Applications downloaded should be supported with demand draft of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Sr.DFM/C.Rly/Nagpur
Where To Apply For Central Railway Nagpur Divison Tender
The application should be addressed to Divisional Railway Manager (Comml.), Central Railway, Nagpur and may be dropped personally on 08/04/2024 between 10.00 to 15.00 Hrs. in the sealed box kept in Divisional Railway Manager (Comml.), Central Railway, Nagpur
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