सरळ सेवा परीक्षेसाठी इंग्रजी सराव प्रश्नपत्रिका १४ उत्तरासह | English Question Paper 14 With Answer

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The official dates for Talathi, Police, Forest Department, Agriculture Department, Clerk Exam 2023 have been announced, so it’s time to start preparing for the exam in the upcoming year. Subject-wise question papers have been started for Mahabharti Exam. It will include quizzes from all subjects – Intelligence Test, English, Mathematics and General Knowledge. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of all upcoming competitive exams and will be beneficial for your preparation. So, keep following the quiz where you will be given a set of 15 questions every day.
Here, we are providing you with important English language questions for all straight service exams.

तलाठी, पोलीस, वन विभाग, कृषी विभाग, लिपिक परीक्षा 2023 च्या अधिकृत तारखा जाहीर झाल्या आहेत, त्यामुळे आगामी वर्षातील परीक्षेची तयारी सुरू करण्याची वेळ आली आहे. महाभारती परीक्षेसाठी विषयनिहाय प्रश्नपत्रिका सुरू झाल्या आहेत. यामध्ये बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी, इंग्रजी, गणित आणि सामान्य ज्ञान या सर्व विषयांच्या प्रश्नमंजुषा समाविष्ट असतील. या सर्व प्रश्नमंजुषा सर्व आगामी स्पर्धा परीक्षांच्या नवीनतम पॅटर्नवर काटेकोरपणे आधारित असतील आणि तुमच्या तयारीसाठी फायदेशीर ठरतील. म्हणून, क्विझचे अनुसरण करत रहा जिथे तुम्हाला दररोज 10 प्रश्नांचा संच दिला जाईल.

तसेच या संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्ससाठी या लिंक वरून आपण आमच्या टेलिग्राम चॅनलला जॉईन करावे किंवा या लिंक वरून महाभरती एक्सामची अधिकृत अँप आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करावी आणि अधिक ताज्या आणि अधिकृत महाराष्ट्र परीक्षेच्या अपडेटसाठी MahaBharti.in/exam फॉलो करा:

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इंग्रजी प्रश्नपत्रिका १४ उत्तरासह – English Question Paper 14 With Answer

Created on By MahaBharti Exam Team

English Daily Quiz Paper 14 For Saral Seva Exam

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व भरती परीक्षेस उपयुक्त नवीन IBPS/TCS पॅटर्न नुसार प्रश्न

1 / 10

Select the accurate meaning of 'Temperate'

2 / 10

Read the following passage and answer the question given below:
A fierce species of orange-yellow ants that live in the Amazon rainforest have devised a gruesome way to catch prey. The ants live in the leaf pouches of a certain plant. They construct traps under the plant’s stem. The ants carefully cut the tiny fibers of the stem hair to build a spongy platform with a chamber underneath. It is supported by loose fibers that
act as ‘pillars’. The entire trap is glued together by a special fungus cultivated by the ants. They punch holes all along its surface, big enough to poke their heads through. The worker ants then clamber inside the trap and wait. As soon as an insect lands on the trap, the ants that live in the holes grasp the creature by its legs and antennae, thus making
escape impossible. The ants keep stinging the prey until it dies after which they carry it to their nest.
What do the ants do with the tiny fibers of the stem hair?

3 / 10

Find the part of the given sentence with an incorrect spelling of a word. If there is no misspelt word, choose 'No error'.

4 / 10

Find the part of the given sentence with an incorrect spelling of a word. If there is no misspelt word, choose 'No error'.

5 / 10

Ravi_____a severe headache since early this morning.

6 / 10

Choose the appropriate preposition for the given sentence:
She has a diploma ______ commercial art.

7 / 10

Choose the correct indirect narration of the following:
He said to him, "Is not your name Ahmed"?

8 / 10

Fill in the blank with a suitable article :
Samundragupta was ----------- great warrior

9 / 10

Read the following sentence and select the option that corrects the misspelled word (s) in the underlined section.
Clinging to a presenteeism culture just favours those who have the time to show up early and leave late.

10 / 10

a. She founded a refuge for mountain gorilla.
b. Kamala and her mother came to Mumbai as
refugee during the Bengal drought. Identify the
correct meaning of the underlined words in their
respective contexts.

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