Civil Engineering Practice Test 1

Civil Engineering Practice Test 1

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Civil Engineering Practice Test 1 : We are starting Civil Engineering practice question paper according to new syllabus and changing exam pattern. In this we are going to take important “Topics” practice questions for Civil Engineering Technical Subject. So let’s begin………

Civil Engineering Questions and Answers |  Civil Engineering Objective Questions and Answer

स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी सराव चाचणी 1 : आम्ही नवीन अभ्यासक्रमानुसार आणि बदलत्या परीक्षेच्या पद्धतीनुसार स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी सराव प्रश्नपत्रिका सुरू करत आहोत. यामध्ये आपण स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी तांत्रिक विषयासाठी महत्त्वाचे “विषय” सराव प्रश्न घेणार आहोत. चला तर मग सुरुवात करूया……..

तसेच या संदर्भातील पुढील सर्व अपडेट्ससाठी या लिंक वरून आपण आमच्या टेलिग्राम चॅनलला जॉईन करावे किंवा या लिंक वरून महाभरती एक्सामची अधिकृत अँप आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करावी आणि अधिक ताज्या आणि अधिकृत महाराष्ट्र परीक्षेच्या अपडेटसाठी फॉलो करा:

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Civil Engineering Practice Test 4

Civil Engineering Practice Test 1

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व भरती परीक्षेस उपयुक्त नवीन IBPS/TCS पॅटर्न नुसार प्रश्न

1 / 15

The mean velocities at two ends of a stream tube 10 cm apart are 2.5 m/s and 3m/s.  The convectional tangential acceleration mid-way is

2 / 15

One end of a two-dimensional water tank has the shape of a quadrant of a circle of radius 2m.  When the tank is full, the vertical component of the force per unit length on the curved surface will be ________

3 / 15

In a prismatic compass __________

4 / 15

In a forced vortex motion, the velocity of flow is _________

5 / 15

Which one of the following velocity fields represents a possible fluid flow?

6 / 15

Which one of the following statements explains the term pyrolysis?

7 / 15

Magnitude of component of velocity at point (1,1) for a stream function ?=x2-y2 is equal to _________

8 / 15

The kor depth for rice is 19cm and the kor period is 14 days.  The outlet factor for this will be ________

9 / 15

Which one of the following solid waste disposal methods is ecologically most acceptable?

10 / 15

In a 1:100 scale model of a harbor, the time which will correspond to the prototypetidal period of 12 hours will be __________

11 / 15

A fluid jet discharging from a 4 cm diameter orifice has a diameter of 3 cm at its vena contracta.  If the coefficient of velocity is 0.98, then coefficient of discharge for the orifice will be ___________

12 / 15

In steady of flow of a fluid, total acceleration of any fluid particle___________

13 / 15

The slope of a 1.0 m diameter concrete sewer laid at a slope of 1 in 1000, develops a velocity of 1 m/s when flowing full.  When it is flowing half full, the velocity of flow through the sewer will be _________

14 / 15

Which of the following is a dimensionally homogeneous equation?

15 / 15

Graduations in a prismatic compass are __________

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