Ujala Gujarat Yojana

Ujala Gujarat Yojana http://ujala.gov.in/state LED Bulbs / Tube Lights / Energy Efficient Fans

Ujala Gujarat Yojana Led Bulb Scheme

Ujala Gujarat Yojana @ http://ujala.gov.in/ Chief Minister Shri Rupani has also decided to start the sale of LED tube-lights and 5 star rated energy efficient fans under the domestic efficient lighting program launched by the central government. As per his decision, consumers will be given 20 watt LED tube lights in cash at a cost of Rs 210, in which the total price fixed by the central government will be reduced by Rs 20. The five-star rated energy efficient fan will be sold at a price of Rs 1,110, an overall reduction of Rs 40 from the price fixed by the central government for the entire country. The EMI cost of LED tubelight and fan will be Rs 230 and Rs 1260 respectively.

उजाला गुजरात योजना के तहत बल्ब/ट्यूब लाइट/पंखे की नई कीमतें

गुजरात सरकार ने पूरे राज्य में ऊर्जा की बचत करने वाले एलईडी बल्बों के वितरण के लिए उजाला गुजरात योजना शुरू की है। वडोदरा में एक कार्यक्रम में केंद्र सरकार की उजाला योजना योजना के तहत उजाला गुजरात योजना की शुरुआत की गई है। इस लेख में हम आपको एलईडी बल्ब, ट्यूब लाइट और ऊर्जा कुशल पंखों की नई कीमतों, पात्रता, दस्तावेजों की सूची और उजाला गुजरात योजना की पूरी जानकारी के बारे में बताएंगे।

Eligibility For Pradhan Mantri UJALA Yojana Gujarat

गुजरात उजाला योजना का लाभ उठाने के लिए पात्रता मानदंड|

  • Applicant Should Be Resident Of Gujarat State.
  • All Ration Card Holders In Gujarat State Are Eligible For This Ujala Gujarat Yojana.

Cash or EMI Prices under UJALA Gujarat Yojana

उजाला गुजरात योजना के तहत बल्ब/ट्यूब लाइट/पंखे की नई कीमतें|

Bulb/Tube-light/Fan By Cash By EMI
LED Bulb Rs. 65 per bulb Rs. 70 per bulb
LED Tube-light Rs. 210 per tube-light Rs. 230 per tube-light
Five-star rated energy efficient Fan Rs. 1,110 per fan Rs. 1,260 per fan

Documents Required For UJALA Yojana Gujarat

उजाला योजना गुजरात के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेजों की सूची|

  • Aadhar Card
  • Monthly Electricity Bill
  • Last paid electricity bill and its photocopy.
  • Self Photo ID Residence proof certificate – which must be the address indicated on the electricity bill.
  • Details of the amount paid and the amount to be paid in arrears if the price of the bulb cannot be paid at the time of purchase – which will be added weekly to the electricity bill.
  • Note: Proof of residency is not required if the LED bulb is to be purchased with cash.

Features / Benefits Of LED Bulb Scheme

एलईडी बल्ब योजनेची वैशिष्ट्ये / फायदे|

  1. सरकार अत्यधिक रियायती दरों पर एलईडी बल्ब, ट्यूबलाइट, पंखे वितरित करती है।
  2. बहुत कम कीमत में एलईडी बल्ब के फायदे।
  3. नकद के लिए 65 रुपये प्रति बल्ब और ईएमआई के लिए 70 रुपये प्रति बल्ब।
  4. आवासीय और व्यावसायिक उपयोग के लिए समान दरें लागू होंगी।
  5. उपभोक्ताओं को 20 वाट एलईडी ट्यूब लाइट कम कीमत पर रु 210 रुपये प्रति ट्यूबलाइट नकद और रु. ईएमआई के लिए 230 प्रति ट्यूबलाइट।
  6. 5 स्टार ऊर्जा दक्ष पंखे 1,110 रुपये प्रति पंखे की बेहद कम कीमत पर नकद और 1,260 रुपये प्रति पंखे की ईएमआई पर बेचे जाएंगे।
  7. ग्राहकों के लिए ईएमआई विकल्प भी उपलब्ध है और 8-10 किश्तों में शुल्क का भुगतान बिजली बिल के माध्यम से किया जाना चाहिए।
  8. कम बिजली की खपत और बिजली की बचत।

Objective of UJALA Yojana Gujarat

प्रधानमंत्री उजाला योजना गुजरात का उद्देश्य|

The state government has set a target of providing LED bulbs to 1.21 Crore households across the state. The main objective of the scheme is to encourage people to adopt sustainable energy options to save and reduce energy costs and consumption. Under the Ujala Gujarat Yojana, the state government will provide LED bulbs to the state residents at a subsidized rate. The LED bulbs under the scheme will be available at Rs. 65-70 per piece to the domestic consumers while LED bulbs will be sold at similar rates per piece to industries.

How the Pradhan Mantri UJALA Yojana Gujarat works

प्रधानमंत्री उजाला योजना गुजरात कैसे काम करती है|

  • Energy Efficiency Services Limited will distribute incandescent bulbs to customers at 40% of the market price.
  • Capital investment required for the scheme is EESL Will.
  • The energy actually saved in five years will be paid to EESL by Discom free of cost.
  • The scheme will not require any subsidy from the Government of India.
  • The scheme will have no effect on electricity rates.


About defective or blown LED bulbs: Pradhan Mantri UJALA Yojana Gujarat?

  • LED bulbs that last for four to five hours every day have a lifespan of more than 15 years and are unlikely to blow up. However, if the bulb blows out less than three years after purchase, the EESL The bulbs can be replaced free of cost, the details of which will be announced after the distribution of the bulbs is completed.
  • Defective LED bulbs can be replaced at any of the outlets in the city while the bulbs are on sale. The light bulb purchased from any of the two centers will be replaced by any other center.

Number of bulbs provided per family

  • The customer will be able to buy a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 light bulbs. Studies show that a family needs five to six bulbs.

1 Comment
  1. MahaBhartiYojana says

    Ujala Gujarat Yojana Details is here

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