Maharashtra 11th Admission 2021 process started after SSC result announce
Maharashtra FYJC Admission 2021 will happen soon now. The SSC Result has been declared. The Board is now expected to release the CET Dates soon for class 11th admissions this year.
11th FYJC CET exam for admission 2021 : The Maharashtra government told the Bombay High Court that the dates of the optional Common Entrance Test (CET) for admission to first-year junior colleges (FYJC) will be announced after the declaration of Maharashtra Class 10 SSC results 2021.
Maharashtra First Year Junior College, FYJC Admission 2021 will begin soon. Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education, MSBSHSE has declared the SSC Result 2021- Secondary School Leaving Certificate. Hence, it is expected that the Common Entrance Test, CET dates for 11th admissions will be announced soon.
Students who have taken the CET will be given priority in all junior colleges, based on merit in the CET. The FYJC admissions will take place in phases and in the first phase, students who have appeared for the CET, irrespective of board, will get admission as per merit. After their admission, students who had not opted for CET will be given admissions based on Class 10 merit.
The CET will be held offline and students will have to go to designated exam centres to appear for the test. It will be a 100-mark multiple-choice question format exam, based on the Class X, SSC syllabus. The duration would be two hours.
Published On : 1-Oct-2021
Published On : 26-Sep-2021
FCFS round has been declared for remaining unadmitted students. Avail the benefit of it. अद्याप प्रवेश न मिळालेल्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी प्रथम येणाऱ्यास प्रथम प्राधान्य अर्थात FCFS फेरीचे आयोजन केलेले आहे. समजून घ्या व आपला प्रवेश निश्चित करा. |
Published On : 26-Sep-2021
Published On : 19-Sep-2021
विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी विशेष फेरीबाबत सूचना- विशेष फेरीमध्ये सहभागी होण्यासाठी प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याने ऑनलाईन संमती देणे बंधनकारक आहे. विद्यार्थ्याने आपला Option Form लॉक करणे हीच त्याची संमती समजली जाईल. सबब सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांचे पसंतीक्रम अर्ज भाग-2 अनलॉक करण्यात आलेले आहेत. तरी ज्यांना प्रवेशासाठी विशेष फेरीमध्ये सहभागी व्हावयाचे आहे त्यांनी आपला अर्ज भाग-2 लॉक करावा. अन्यथा Option Form लॉक न केलेल्या विद्यार्थ्यांना विशेष फेरीमध्ये समाविष्ट केले जाणार नाही. Option Form लॉक करण्यापूर्वी विद्यार्थ्यांना आपले पसंतीक्रम बदलता येतील. |
Published On : 19-Sep-2021
Imp. note for students about special rounds- It is mandatory for every student to give online CONSENT to participate in the SPECIAL ROUND. The student’s consent will be considered to LOCK HIS OPTION FORM. The reason is that all the students’ Part-2 option forms have been unlocked. However, those who want to participate in the special round of admission should lock their Option form Part-2. Otherwise Option Form Unlocked students will not be considered in the special round. While locking Option Form students can change their preferences too. |
Published On : 19-Sep-2021
विशेष फेरीसाठी Allocation Logic- विशेष फेरीमध्येही नियमित फेरीप्रमाने आरक्षणाचे सर्व नियम लागू असतील. मागासवर्गीय विद्यार्थ्यांना खुल्या प्रवर्गातून अथवा त्यांचे प्रवर्गातील जागा उपलब्ध असल्यास त्या प्रवर्गातून गुणवत्तेनुसार allotment मिळेल. यानंतर जर प्रवेशासाठी उमेदवार शिल्लक नसल्याने एखाद्या राखीव प्रवर्गातील जागा रिक्त राहत असल्यास सदर प्रवर्गाच्या जागा खुल्या प्रवर्गातून भरण्यासाठी उपलब्ध होतील. यामुळे खुल्या प्रवर्गासाठी जागांची उपलब्धता वाढेल. विद्यार्थ्यास सर्वोत्तम पसंतीचे विद्यालय मिळेपर्यंत अशी प्रक्रिया सुरू राहील. |
Published On : 19-Sep-2021
Allocation Logic for Special Round- All the rules of reservation will be applicable even in special rounds as in regular rounds. Backward class students will get allotment as per merit from the General Category or if there is vacancy available in their category. After this, if there is vacancy in a reserved category due to non-availability of candidates for admission, these seats in that category will be made available to be filled from the General Category. This will increase the availability of seats for the open category. This process will continue until the student finds the best preferred Jr. College for allotment. |
Published On : 16-Sep-2021
Published On : 6-Sep-2021
Published On : 30-Aug-2021
Published On : 30-Aug-2021
Published On : 26-Aug-2021
Published On : 17-Aug-2021
For Jr Colleges :-
1) Quota (Management and In-house) seat surrender will be available from 17 to 30 August, 2021 (except 25 & 26 August). 2) All Quota admissions will be available from 23 to 30 August, 2021 (Except 25 & 26 August).For students :-Application form Part-1 edit & Option from Part-2 filling will remain closed during 23 to 30 August 2021, whereas new student registration and Part-1 process will be continue till the end of admission process. Schedule for Further admission process will be published soon. |
Published On : 17-Aug-2021 |
Published On : 16-Aug-2021
Leaving Certificate (LC) :-LC is not mandatory at application stage. However, it is mandatory at the time of Admission which you will require to upload at Proceed for Admission page after college allotment.Mark-sheet :- For State Board students, mark-sheet is not required to upload at application stage. For other Board students, if you received the hard copy of your mark-sheet then you can upload the scan copies of your mark-sheet at document uploading stage. otherwise, you can upload the digital mark-sheet downloaded from your respective Board website. |
Published On : 13-Aug-2021 |
Published On : 13-Aug-2021 |
FYJC Online Admission Process 2021-22
The Maharashtra state, first Year Junior Colleges admission process basically relies on the performance of a candidate in board exams. Though a candidate can register for the part I but Part II can only fill after the declaration of board results.
As per the latest information on Maharashtra FYJC Admission Process 2021-22, the board has made certain changes, from this year onwards, admission to “bifocal” seats will take earlier than the CAP process, breaking the pattern of past practice.
The reason to have a “zero round” is to mitigate the loss of empty seats. Which used to remain unfilled even after having a strong will. As by the time of admission of bifocal seats even willing candidates have already registered under a regular course.
Divisions | Apply Online |
Mumbai | Click Here |
Pune | Click Here |
Nagpur | Click Here |
Amravati | Click Here |
Nashik | Click Here |
Aurangabad | Click Here |
Published On : 8-Aug-2021
Revised Schedule for 11th Admission Process Part I 
11th CET exam for admission 2021 official notification
? Important Update: For uniformity & comparability in #FYJC admissions and to ensure fair play for students across all boards, the state government will conduct a CET for all Std 10th students on an OPTIONAL basis around July-end or August first week #CET #SSC #admissions #fyjc
— Varsha Gaikwad (@VarshaEGaikwad) June 24, 2021
Maha 11th admissions 2021: Eligibility criteria
The candidates must have passed class 10 or its equivalent from a recognised board of education to meet the eligibility requirement for FYJC admissions 2021.
Maha 1th CET 2021: Exam schemes and syllabus
The FYJC CET 2021 exam will be an objective-type paper. The questions will be asked from English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science based on the class 10 syllabus. Each section will be of 25 marks and the total marks will be 100. The exam duration will be of two hours. The exam will be conducted in offline mode and the students will be given an O.M.R sheet to mark their answers.
Maha CET admission Direct Link