Navlekhak Anudan Yojana Application Form

Navlekhak Anudan Yojana  Application Form

Navlekhak Anudan Yojana Application Form Details are available on this page. Navlekhak Anudan Yojana is implemented by Maharashtra State Board of Literature and Culture. Under this scheme, collections of poems, collections of stories, plays or one-act plays, novels, children’s stories, ideological, character, autobiographies, fine, travel descriptive writings are published. Under this scheme, for the year, their literature will be published by new writers. January 1, 2022 to d. Invited for the period January 31, 2022. More Details are given here:

कलाकार मानधन योजना महाराष्ट्र – अर्ज करा

Sahitya Sanskriti Mandal

The State Sahitya Sanskriti Mandal has implemented a scheme to provide incentive grants to Marathi novelists for the publication of Lalit Wangmaya. There is a plan for Marathi novelists from Maharashtra and other states. New writers who have not published a single book have benefited from the scheme. Under this scheme, collections of poems, collections of stories, plays or one-act plays, novels, children’s stories, ideological, character, autobiographies, fine, travel descriptive writings are published. The publishing business is currently undergoing exceptionally transparent transactions. Instead of paying the author an honorarium, the practice of publishing a book with the author’s money has increased. Quality codes are hampered by the fact that the author does not have proper knowledge of book publishing. The ‘Navlekhaa Grant Scheme 2022’ was launched to assist good writers in publishing books. The board publishes more than sixty books each year, but the code proposal is not sent as there is not enough information about the scheme for authors across the state. Detailed information about the grant scheme is available on the website of the State Literary Culture Board.

नवलेखक अनुदान योजना माहितीपत्रक व अर्ज

महाराष्ट्र राज्य साहित्य आणि संस्कृती मंडळाकडून नवलेखक अनुदान  योजना राबविण्यात येते. सदर योजनेअंतर्गत सन 2022 करीता नवलेखकांकडून त्यांचे साहित्य दि. 1 जानेवारी, 2022 ते दि. 31 जानेवारी, 2022 या कालावधीत  मागविण्यात आली आहेत.

Navlekhak Grant Scheme Rules and Regulation

Navlekhaka Grant Scheme 2022

Benefit of Navlekhak Anudan Yojana

  • लेखकाचा फायदा – राज्य सरकारच्या ‘नवलेखक अनुदान योजने’त लेखकाचा चांगला फायदा होतो. पात्र ठरलेल्या पुस्तकाच्या ५०० प्रती छापण्यासाठी अनुदान देण्यात येते. प्रकाशित पुस्तकाच्या ५० प्रती लेखकाला मिळतात. काही खासगी प्रकाशन संस्था नवोदित लेखकांची आर्थिक फसवणूक करीत असताना नवलेखक योजना वरदान ठरली आहे
  • The author’s advantage  – Authors benefit from the state government’s ‘Navlekhak Grant Scheme’. Grants are provided for printing 500 copies of eligible books. The author gets 50 copies of the published book. While some private publishing houses are cheating novice writers financially, the novice writer scheme has become a boon

Official Website

नवलेखक अनुदान योजना माहितीपत्रक व अर्ज पाहण्यासाठी इथे क्लिक करा

Navlekhan Mahitipatrak

  1. Anilkumar Tawade says

    बाल कविता संग्रह प्रकाशित करण्यासाठी नव कविना काय मदत आहे?

  2. Test22
  3. Milind Thik says

    ह्या वर्षी सुद्धा असा नवीन उपक्रम होणार आहे का आम्हाला सुद्धा आमची पुस्तकं प्रकाशीत करायची आहेत….

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