RTMNU BBA Revised Sem 4 Syllabus 2020 | Nagpur University BBA Syllabus Part 2 | RTMNU Second Year BBA Syllabus BBA
RTM Nagpur University BBA Fourth Semester New Revised Syllabus is given below for Downloading. The students can Download the respective Syllabus from following given details. Just go through the given links & read the given syllabus carefully. Nagpur University Second Year New Semester Online Detail syllabus given below.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Examination
Semester – IV

Paper-I Principles of Human Resource Management

Unit 1 : Introduction to Human Resource Management: Definition, concept and Scope of H. R. M.,
Difference between Personnel Management and H.R.M., Importance and Functions of H.R.M. Role of H.R

Unit 2 : Job Analysis, Job Design: Meaning of Job Analysis, Uses, Process and methods of collecting data
for job analysis, Job Description, Job Specifications. Meaning of Job Design, Techniques of Job Design

Unit 3 : Human Resource Planning – Recruitment – Selection: Definition and objectives of Human
Resource planning, process of Human Resource planning factors influencing estimation of Human
Resources, Concept of Recruitment & Selection, sources of recruitment, Selection Procedure

Unit 4 : Induction & Training : Concept of Induction, Training- Need for training, benefits of training,
identification of training needs and methods/ types of training. Evaluation of effectiveness of training
programs.Placement, Transfer, Promotion, Demotion.

Reference Books:
 Dr. S S Khanka : Human Resource Management,
 Aswathappa, K.; Human Resource and Personnel Management (Text and Cases), Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company
 Dessler,Gary; Human Resource Management;Prentice Hall
 SubbaRao, Personnel and Human Resources management, HPH.
 Human Resource Management- Text and Cases– VSP Rao


Semester – IV

Paper-II Money, Banking and Finance

Unit I: Money – Concept and functions of Money, Origin and development of Money, Limitations of
Barter System, Classification of Money, Importance of Money, Qualities of Good Money, Defects of

Unit-II – Banking and Finance – Commercial Banking- Role and functions of Commercial Banks, Credit
creation and its limitations Central Banking-Functions of Central Bank. Reserve Bank of India –Role in
Indian Economy, Monetary & Non-Monetary functions of RBI.

Unit III: National Income Determination- Meaning, Method & Difficulties of Measuring National
Income; Concept of GDP, GNP, NNP, PI, DPI. Inflation and Deflation- Types, Causes and Measures to

Unit IV: Monetary and Fiscal Policy- Concept, Objectives, Instruments, Limitations of Monetary and
Fiscal policy, Public Finance- Meaning, Scope and Importance of Public Finance, Public Finance Vs
Private Finance.

Reference Books:
1. Appannaiah, Reddy &Shanthi, BBM Semester Economics, 2006, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
2. Chaturvedi D., Macro Economics, 2005, Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
3. Dominick Salvatore, Managerial economics in a Global economy, 2006, Thomson learning Press
4. Datt, Ruddar and K P M Sundharam, 2005, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
5. Jhingan, 2004, M.L., Money Banking International Trade and Public Finance, Ed. 8, Veranda Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Mithani D. M., Money, Banking, International trade and Public Finance,2006, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai
7. Samuelson, Paul Anthony and William D. Nordhaus, 1998, Economics, Ed. 6 New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Somashekhar N T., Money, Banking, International trade and Public Finance,2006,Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
9. Suma Damodran, Managerial Economics, 2006, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.


Semester – IV

Paper-III  Introduction to Sociology & Psychology

Unit I:Sociology as the Science of Society: (a) Sociology – Meaning and Definitions, (b) Characteristics of
Sociology as a science (empirical, theoretical, cumulative and nonethical), (c) Development of Modern
Industrial Society – Characteristics, industrialism, capitalism, urbanism, liberal democracy, (d)
Postmodern Society – Nature and Characteristics, (e) Culture – Meaning and elements, (cognitive
elements, beliefs, values and norms and signs), Meaning, stages and agencies of socialisation.

Unit II:Social Structure and Social Change: (a) Structural aspects of social system – Institutions, groups,
subgroups, roles, norms and values, (b) Social change – Its sources – Internal and External, (c) Types of
Social Change – Changes in social values with reference to pattern variab les, changes in occupational
structure and demographic changes

Unit III:Introduction to Psychology:(a) Definition, Nature, Scope and Applications of Psychology.
(b)Methods: Introspection, Observation, Experimental, Interview, Questionnaire and Case Study.
(c)Contemporary Perspectives: Biological, Cognitive, Psychoanalytical, Humanistic, Evolutionary and
Cross-cultural. (d)Biological Bases of Behaviour: Evolution, Genes and Behaviour. The Response
Mechanism: Receptors, Effectors and Adjustors. (e)The Nervous System: The Basic Structure, Functions
and Divisions of the Peripheral and Central Nervous System.

Unit IV:Social Psychology:(a)Introduction: Nature and Scope; Methods of Studying Social Behaviour:
Observation, Experimental, Field Study, Survey, Sociometry and Cross-cultural. (b)Socialization: Agents
and Mechanisms, Socialization and Deviation. (c)Perceiving Others: Forming Impressions; Role of Nonverbal Cues, Group stereotypes, Central Traits; Primary and Recency Effects; Models of Information
Integration; Attribution of Causality: Biases and Theories (Jones and Davis, Kelley).

Reference Books:
1. Inkeles, Alex, “What is Sociology?”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1987
2. Jayaram N., “Introduction to Sociology”, Macmillan India, Madras, 1988
3. Ghode R.N. and BhauDaydar, “Sociology: Basic Concepts”, Spectrum Publications, Nagpur
4. Atkinson and Hilgard (2002). Introduction to Psychology. New York: Thomson Wadsworth
5. Feldman, R. S. (2006). Understanding Psychology. India: Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Feldman, R. S. (1985). Social Psychology: Theories, Research and Application.New York: McGraw Hill.
7. Myers, David, G (1994). Exploring Social Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.


 Semester -IV

Paper-IV  Business Legislations

Unit I: Administration of law & legal system in India – Introduction to legal aspects of Business in general; Freedom of Trade, Profession and Occupation (Constitutional Provisions).

Unit II: Indian Contract Act (1872) – a) Definition (Sec.2) b) Essential elements of a valid contract c) Competency to enter in contracts (Sec. 11 & 12).d) Consent – Free consent, Coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, mistake (sec 13-23).Void Agreement (sec 24-30) f) Consequences of breach of contract (sec73-75).

Unit III: The Companies Act (1956) – Definition & characteristics of a company, Company distinguished from partnership, Kinds of Companies, Provisions relating to incorporation, lifting the Corporate Veil. Memorandum of Association, Doctrine of ultra-vires, Articles of Association, Doctrine of indoor management & constructive notice, Concept of Prospectus.Company Management And Board Meeting :
Administrative Hierarchy, Board of Director – Director- Legal Position, Appointment, Qualification, Disqualification, Removals Power, duties, Liabilities etc. Managing Director – Meaning, Appointment, and Disqualification.Manager-Meaning, Disqualification.Company Meetings Meaning of meeting General Body meeting – statutory Meeting, Annual General meeting, Extra ordinary meeting Board Meeting.

Unit IV: The Consumer Protection Act,1986 Salient features of Act. Definitions- Consumer, Complaint, Services, Defect and Deficiency, Complainant. Rights and Reliefs available to consumer.Procedure to file complaint.Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies.(Composition, Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions.) Procedure followed by Redressal Agencies. Introduction to GST

Reference Books:
1) Business and Commercial Laws-Sen and Mitra.
2) An Introduction to Mercantile Laws-N. D. Kapoor
3) Business Laws-N. M. Wechlekar
4) Company Law-Avatar Singh
5) Law of Contract-Avtar Singh
6) Consumer Protection Act in India .Niraj Kumar
7) Consumer protection in India. V.K.Agrawal
8) Consumer Grievance Redressal under CPA. Deepa Sharma.