Madras Fertilizer Bharti 2023 – Apply for 48 Vacancies

मद्रास फर्टिलाइजर्स लिमिटेड, (MFL) में 48 ऑफिसर पदों पर भर्ती; ई-मेल द्वारा अप्लाई करे

Madras Fertilizer Bharti 2023 – Madras Fertilizers Limited, (MFL), a leading Public Sector Undertaking engaged in manufacturing & marketing of Chemical Fertilizers, Bio Fertilizers and trading of Agrochemicals & Organic Manures is looking for candidates in the following disciplines having minimum one year experience in the relevant field for engagement of OFFICERS on CONTRACT basis for a period of ONE year in MFL from the date of engagement and renewable for another one year at the sole discretion of MFL Management. There is total 48 vacancies to be filled under MFL Vacancy 2023. Last date for submission of application is June 3, 2023. More Details about Madras Fertilizer Bharti 2023, Madras Fertilizer Vacancy 2023, MFL Vacancy 2023, MFL Bharti 2023, Madras Fertilizer Recruitment 2023, Madras Fertilizer Vacancy 2023 is given below :

Madras Fertilizer Bharti 2023 Hindi 

मद्रास फर्टिलाइजर्स लिमिटेड, (MFL), एक प्रमुख सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र का उपक्रम है जो रासायनिक उर्वरकों, जैव उर्वरकों के निर्माण और विपणन और एग्रोकेमिकल्स और जैविक खादों के व्यापार में लगा हुआ है, निम्नलिखित विषयों में उम्मीदवारों की तलाश कर रहा है, जिनके पास संबंधित क्षेत्र में न्यूनतम एक वर्ष का अनुभव है। एमएफएल में अनुबंध के आधार पर अधिकारियों की संख्या सगाई की तारीख से एक वर्ष की अवधि के लिए और एमएफएल प्रबंधन के विवेकाधिकार पर एक और एक वर्ष के लिए नवीकरणीय। एमएफएल रिक्ति 2023 के तहत कुल 48रिक्तियां भरी जानी हैं। आवेदन जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि 3 जून, 2023 है। मद्रास उर्वरक भारती 2023, मद्रास उर्वरक रिक्ति 2023, एमएफएल रिक्ति 2023, एमएफएल भारती 2023, मद्रास उर्वरक भर्ती 2023 के बारे में अधिक जानकारी , मद्रास उर्वरक रिक्ति 2023 नीचे दी गई है:

Madras Fertilizer Recruitment  2023 Details 

पद की संख्या – No Of Posts

  • कुल 48 रिक्तियां

पद का नाम –Post Name

  • अधिकारी

रिक्ति विवरण- Vacancy Details

S.No.  Discipline  SC  ST  OBC  UR  EWS  PWD  TOT




Maintenance Mechanical 5
Maintenance Electrical 3
Maintenance Instruments 2



(Field office **  & Shift)

Personnel  3
Finance  6
TOTAL  3 1 8 33 1 48

शैक्षणिक योग्यता- Educational Details

S.No.  Discipline  Qualification – 

First Class (Full time course)

Operations  B.E/ B.Tech – Chemical /  Petro Chemical Engg
Maintenance Mechanical B.E/ B.Tech – Mechanical Engg. 
Maintenance Electrical B.E / B.Tech – EEE 
Maintenance Instruments B.E/ B.Tech – E&I/  Instrumentation & Control Engg.


Any PG with MBA in Materials  Management

(Field office **  & Shift)

B.Sc (Agriculture) / PG in  Agriculture / MBA -Marketing
Personnel  PG Degree in Personnel  Management/Public  

Administration/ Social Work /  Sociology or MBA-HRM 

Finance  M.Com or CA / ICWA /  

MBA – Finance 

आयु सीमा – Age Limit Details

As on the closing date (June 3, 2023) of submission of application  thru email 

Unreserved candidate  Maximum 28 years
SC/ST candidate  Maximum 33 years
OBC candidate  Maximum 31 years
SC/ST PWD candidate  Maximum 38 years
OBC PWD candidate  Maximum 36 years

Application fees

  • Application Processing fees of Rs.500/- to be remitted by General / OBC / EWS candidates to Madras Fertilizers Limited, State Bank of India, Manali Branch Account No.10092383274 IFSC Code:SBIN0003511 thru NEFT / IMPS.


1. Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will be provisionally shortlisted in the order of Merit based on the Academic Qualification and called for interview (personal / VC mode) based on the decision of the management. Shortlisted candidates shall be informed well in advance accordingly.
2. Selection shall be made according to the merit drawn on the basis of performance of shortlisted candidates in the interview process.
3. Candidates will be called for interview provisionally on the basis of information submitted by them in application form and their candidature will be considered vis-à-vis eligibility criteria for the post applied for as mentioned in the advertisement. Further, no queries shall be entertained in this regard.

How To Apply For MFL Recruitment 2023

  • Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility norms. and their eligibility will be verified only in case they are shortlisted for selection.
  • Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even after joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage.
  • Candidates fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria should send their filled in application per prescribed format along with copies of in support of age/ qualification / experience / community certificates from their email ID to MFL.
  • The last date for submission of application along with copies of certificate to MFL

Email ID is June 03, 2023

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