DHS Lohardaga Recruitment 2021-Apply Online For 63 Posts

जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति के तहत कुक, असिस्टेंट, ANM और अन्य पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करे

DHS Lohardaga Recruitment 2021 – Under National Health Mission Jharkhad Recruitment advertisement has been issued by District Health Society, Lohardaga Against honorarium on the following vacant posts. An Online application has been started from 28th August 2021. Online application can be submitted through official website i.e www.dhslohardaga.in See Below Information to apply against DHS Lohardaga Recruitment 2021,  NHM Lohardaga Bharti 2021NHM Lohardaga Vacancy 2021

जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति, लोहरदगा ने अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर क्लनिकल साइकोलॉजिस्ट, साइकियाट्रिक नर्स, साइकियाट्रिक सोशल वर्कर, स्टाफ नर्स, एएनएम, लैब टेक्निशियन, फार्मासिस्ट, जीएनएम, एआरएसएच काउंसलर, रेफ्रिजरेटर मैकेनिक, कोल्ड चेन हैंडलर, ब्लॉक डेटा मैनेजर, न्यूट्रिशन काउंसलर, कुक, मलेरिया टेक्निकल सुपरवाइजर, फाइनेंशियल लॉजिस्टिक असिस्टेंट, सीनियर उपचार पर्यवेक्षक, वरिष्ठ क्षय रोग प्रयोगशाला पर्यवेक्षक के पदों पर भर्ती के लिए एक नोटिफिकेशन जारी की है। इस भर्ती प्रक्रिया के तहत संगठन में 63 रिक्त पदों को भरा जाएगा। इन पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया 11 सितम्बर 2021 तक चलेगी। आवेदन करने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवार जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति लोहरदगा भर्ती 2021 से संबंधित शैक्षणिक योग्यता, चयन प्रक्रिया, पात्रता मापदण्ड एवं विभागीय विज्ञापन DHS Lohardaga Notification 2021 से जुड़ें समस्त जानकरी निचे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं.

कार्मिक प्राासनिक सुधार तथा राजभाषा विभाग, – झारखण्ड सरकार, राॅची के संकल्प सं0 821 दिनाक 05.02.2021 द्वारा संकल्प सं0 3854 दिनाक 01.06.2018 (संकल्प सं0 8468 दिनांक 20.11.2018 द्वारा यथासंसोधित) को तत्काल प्रभाव से आहरित करते हुए राज्य में चल रही सभी नियुक्ति प्रक्रिया, जो उपरोक्त संकल्प से अच्छादित है, उन्हें अपूर्ण मानते हुए उन सभी विज्ञापनों को निरस्त कर देने के फलस्वरूप इस जिला हेतु प्रकाशित विज्ञापन संख्या 01/2017 (District) तथा विज्ञापन संख्या 02/2019 को रद्द करते हुए जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति, लोहरदगा अंतर्गत एन0एच0एम0 संविदा आधारित विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों के निम्न रिक्त पदों पर मानदेय के विरूद्ध दिनांक 26.08.2021 से ऑनलाइन आवेदन अंतिम तिथि तक आमंत्रित किये जाते है। ऑनलाइन आवेदन जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति लोहरदगा के वेबसाइट www.dhslohardaga.inपर किया जा सकता हैं

DHS Lohardaga Recruitment 2021

District Health Society (DHS) had released an official notification announcing 63  vacancies on various posts on its official website. Under ZSS Lohardaga Recruitment 2021, there is Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric Nurse, Psychiatric Social Worker, Staff Nurse, ANM, Lab Technician, Pharmacists, GNM, ARSH Counselor, Refrigerator Mechanic, Cold Chain Handler, Block Data Manager, Nutrition counselor, Cook, Malaria Technical Supervisor, Financial Logistic Assistant, Sr Treatment Supervisor, Sr Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor Posts. Willing candidates can apply through given link before due date. The late date for DHS Lohardaga Recruitment 2021 is 11th September 2021. The interested candidates are advised to go through the below article for more information.

DHS Lohardaga Recruitment Notification 2021 Details

पद की संख्या – No Of Posts
  • कुल 63  रिक्तियां
पद का नाम – Post Name
  • क्लिनिकल साइकोलॉजिस्ट, साइकियाट्रिक नर्स, साइकियाट्रिक सोशल वर्कर, स्टाफ नर्स, एएनएम, लैब टेक्निशियन, फार्मासिस्ट, जीएनएम, एआरएसएच काउंसलर, रेफ्रिजरेटर मैकेनिक, कोल्ड चेन हैंडलर, ब्लॉक डेटा मैनेजर, न्यूट्रिशन काउंसलर, कुक, मलेरिया टेक्निकल सुपरवाइजर, फाइनेंशियल लॉजिस्टिक असिस्टेंट, सीनियर उपचार पर्यवेक्षक, वरिष्ठ क्षय रोग प्रयोगशाला पर्यवेक्षक

जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति लोहरदगा रिक्ति विवरण-  NHM Lohardaga Bharti 2021

Post Name No. of Post
Clinical Psychologist 01
Psychiatric Nurse 01
Psychiatric Social Worker 01
Refrigerator Mechanic 01
Cold Chain Handler 01
Staff Nurse 12
Malaria Technician Supervisor 03
Financial Logistic Assistant 01
Lab Technician 01
Senior Treatment Supervisor 04
Senior T. Laboratory Supervisor 01
ARSH Counselor 04
Nutritional Counselor 01
Cook cum Attendent 02
Staff Nurse (NUHM) 02
ANM (NHM) 01
Pharmacist (NUHM) 01
GNM 02
Staff Nurse (NHM) 07
Pharmacist (RBSK) 08
Block Data Manager 03
Total post 63

शैक्षणिक योग्यता –  ZSS Lohardaga Recruitment 2021

क्र० पदनाम योग्यता एवं अर्हता
1 Clinical Psychologist Essential Qualification :

Post Graduate Degree in Psychology or applied psychology and master of philosophy in medical and social psychology or master of philosophy in Mental Health and Social Psychology obtained after completion of a full time course of two years which includes supervised Clinical training, approved and recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India

2 Psychiatric Nurse Essential Qualification :

B.Sc in Nursing or equivalent degree from institution recognized by Nursing Council of India andAt least 2 Years’ experience of working in psychiatry/mental health institution/hospital.

Desirable :-

PG Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing from institution recognized by Nursing Council of India.

3 Psychiatric Social Worker Essential Qualification :

Post Graduate degree awarded after completion of course of study of minimum two years in mental health or psychiatric social work.

4 Staff Nurse UPHC Essential Qualification :

10 + 2 or intermediate with 3 years of General Nursing and Midwifery Training from Govt. recognized institution.

Registered under Jharkhand Nursing Council.

5 ANM-UPHC Essential Qualification :

10+2 or equivalent examination & should have complete ANM course from institution recognized by Govt. and approved by INC.

Registered under Jharkhand Nursing Council.

6 Lab Technician –UPHC Essential Qualification :

10 + 2 Intermediate and Diploma in Lab Technician from Govt. recognized Institute with one Year of Experience.

Registered under Jharkhand Paramedical Council.

7 Pharmacists -UPHC Essential Qualification :

Diploma In Pharmacy from a recognized institute.

Registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council.

Computer proficiency (MS Office) & Internet.

8 GNMs-District NCD Clinic Essential Qualification :

GNM qualification as recognized byNursing Council of India..

Experience :

At least 2 year’s experience of working in a hospital.

9 ARSH Counselor Essential Qualification :

Should be Post Graduate degree in Psychology/Social Work/Sociology/Anthropology/Human Development or hold diploma in Nursing with Minimum 1-3 years experience in field of Adolescent Work.

Knowledge of adolescent developmental stage.

Good working knowledge of MS. The position would be block level position.


10 Staff Nurse Essential Qualification :

10 + 2 or intermediate with 3 years of General Nursing and Midwifery Training from Govt. recognized institution.

Registered under Jharkhand Nursing Council.

11 ANM Essential Qualification :

10+2 or equivalent examination & should have complete ANM course from institution recognized by Govt. and approved by INC. Registered under Jharkhand Nursing Council

12 Refrigerator Mechanic Essential Qualification :

Matric & Certificate of ITI in refrigeration and air – conditioning with apprenticeship. Minimum 3 years working experience in repairing cold chain equipment

13 Cold Chain Handler Essential Qualification :

12th or inter with science and 3 years experience of handling vaccines in Cold Chain.

14 Block Data Manager Essential Qualification :

Graduation in any Discipline from any recognized University with at least 1 year Diploma in Computer Application/ Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application/ DOEACC “O” level from Govt. Recognized Institute/ITI/IDTR or Bachelor in Computer Application/ B.Sc. (IT)/ B.Sc. (Computer Science) DOEACC ‘A’ level from recognized Institute/ University.

Minimum 2 year of post qualification relevant experience with reputed organization.

Experience in working on MS-Office Package and Internet Usage. With basic knowledge of Software and hardware and able to attend troubleshooting in computers, printings and network connectivity.

Typing skills in English is mandatory with minimum speed of 40 WPM in English. Knowledge of typing in Hindi will be desirable.

Excellent Interpersonal Communication. Fluency in local language, both written and oral.

15 Nutrition counselor -MTC Essential Qualification :

1. Master’s/ Bachelor’s degree in any subject (Hons/Pass)with Diploma or Certificate Course in Nutrition.

2. Basic Computer skills, especially those related to MS office.

3. Good Data management skills.


  1. 1 year work experience in Health Sector/relevant field.
  2. Would be given preference to female candidates.
  3. Fluency in local languages- both written and spoken.
  4. Ability work in a team.
16 Cook cum attendant Essential Qualification :

Diploma in cooking/ Hotel Management/ Catering


Matriculation with 2 years working experience in cooking in any institution.

17 Malaria Technical Supervisor (MTS) Essential Qualification :

Graduate preferably from biology stream and in case the candidate with desired qualification is not available, a graduate with science in class XII shall be considered.

Experience candidates in health related programme shall be given preference. The candidates should have a valid two wheelers driving license.

18 Financial Logistic Assistant (FLA) Essential Qualification :

Graduate in Commerce/Qualified SAS accountant or persons who have qualified cash & account training from institute of Secretarial Training & Management (Min. of Personnel & PG) with minimum 5 years of experience in accounting analysis, budgeting, financial software and reporting systems.

19 Pharmacists Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institute. Should have registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council.

Computer proficiency (MS Office) & Internet.

20 Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) Essential Qualification :

Bachelor’s degree or Recognized Sanitary inspector’s course.

Certificate Course in computer operation (minimum 2 months).

Permanent two wheeler driving license & should be able to drive two wheeler.


Tuberculosis health visitor’s recognized course.

Govt. recognized degree/diploma in Social work or Medical Social work.

Successful completion of basic training course (Govt. recognized) for Multi-purpose health workers.

21 Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor (STLS) Essential Qualification :


Diploma in Medical Laboratory technology or equivalent from a govt recognized institution.

Permanent two wheeler driving license & should be able to drive two wheeler.

Certificate course in computer operations (minimum two months).


Minimum One year experience in RNTCP.

22 Staff Nurse 10 + 2 or intermediate with 3 years of General Nursing and Midwifery Training from Govt. recognized institution.

Registered under Jharkhand Nursing Council.

आयु सीमा –NHM Lohardaga Vacancy 2021

  • Minimum Age – 21 Years
Category Maximum Limit
General 35 Years
OBC 37 Years
अनुसूचित जाति एवं अनुसूचित जनजाति – पुरुष एवं महिला 40 Years
महिला-सामान्य वर्ग, पिछड़ा वर्ग एवं अत्यंत पिछड़ा वर्ग 38 Years

चयन की प्रक्रिया:

चयन की प्रक्रिया निम्नानुसार निर्धारित की जाती है:-

  1. अभ्यर्थियों का चयनलिखित परीक्षा एवंशैक्षणिक/तकनीकि परीक्षाओं में प्राप्त प्राप्तांकके आलोक में संबंधित पद के लिएजो लागू हो के आधार पर किया जायेगा।
  2. यदि तकनीकी परीक्षा (Skill Test) की आवश्यकता हो तो वैसी परिस्थिति में उक्त दक्षता परीक्षा मात्र अर्हक (Qualifying) होगा। इसका प्राप्तांक मेघा सूची में सम्मिलित नहीं किया जायेगा।
  3. अंतिम रूप से तैयार की गई मेधा सूची, सिविल सर्जन/उपायुक्त के कार्यालय, जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति, लोहरदगा के वेबसाइट, एन0आई0सी0, लोहरदगा के वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित की जाएगी। सूचनापट्ट पर मेधासूची के प्रकाशन होने की सूचना समाचार पत्र, वेबसाइट के माध्यम से दी जायेगी।

आवेदन की प्रक्रिया:

  1. उपरोक्त पद के आलोक में योग्यता सह अर्हत्ता रखने वाले अभ्यर्थी ऑनलाइन आवेदन जिला स्वास्थ्य समिति के वेबसाइट www.dhslohardaga.in माध्यम से निर्धारित समय सीमा के अंदर करेंगे।
  2. ऑनलाइन आवेदन में अभ्यर्थियों को अपना रंगीन पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो एवं हस्ताक्षर निर्धारित स्थान पर अपलोड करना होगा।
  3. किसी भी प्रकार का ऑफलाइन आवेदन स्वीकार्य नहीं होगा।
  4. आवश्यक अंक पत्रों एवं प्रमाण पत्रों की स्व अभिप्रमाणित प्रति, वैध ड्राईविंग लाइसेंस (संबंधित पद हेतु) की स्व अभिप्रमाणित प्रति, आरक्षण के दावा हेतु सक्षम पदाधिकारी द्वारा निर्गत अद्यतन ऑनलाइन निर्गत जाति एवं आवासीय प्रमाण पत्र, जन्म तिथि से संबंधित मैट्रिकुलेशन प्रमाण पत्र तथा आवेदन -पत्र के साथ स्व अभिप्रमाणित दो पासपोर्ट साईज फोटो के साथ निर्धारित तिथि को प्रस्तुत करना अनिवार्य होग ऑनलाइन आवेदन में अंकित सूचनाओं के आलोक में प्रस्तुत किये गये प्रमाण पत्रों में अगर किसी प्रकार की भिन्नता पायी जायेगी तो संबंधित उम्मीदवार की उम्मीदवारी रद्द कर दी जायेगी ।


How To Apply For DHS Lohardaga Bharti 2021

  • First, visit the official website DHS Lohardaga
  • And check for the NHM Recruitment or Careers to which you are going to apply.
  • Open Jobs notification and check Eligibility.
  • Check the last date carefully before starting the application form.
  • If you are eligible, Fill the application form without any mistakes.
  • Pay the application fee (If applicable) and submit the application form before the last date and capture the Application form number/acknowledgment number.

NHM Lohardaga Recruitment 2021- Details

Article NHM Lohardaga Recruitment 2021
Category Jharkhand Job
Authority National Health Mission
Total Post 63
Start Date 26.08.2021
Mode of application Online Mode
Official Website lohardaga.nic.in

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