CMPDI Jharkhand Recruitment 2022- Apply for this 198 Vacant Posts Now !

सेंट्रल माइन प्लानिंग एंड डिज़ाइन इंस्टीट्यूट लिमिटेड भर्ती - इन 198 पदों के लिए अभी करे आवेदन

CMPDI Jharkhand Recruitment 2022: CMPDI (Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited) Jharkhand invited candidate from the departmental candidates only of Coal India Limited and its Subsidiary Companies for selection to 198 different posts. Candidate can look forward for these posts – Surveyor (M) T&S Gr. B, Assistant Driller (T), T&S Gr. C, Asstt. Foreman (Mech.) (T), T&S CR.C, Overseer (Civil), T&S Gr. C, Staff Nurse T&S Gr C, Jr. Sc. Asstt. Gr-II Gd- D, Jr. Data Entry Operator (Trainee) T&S Gr. E, Dresser Gr. II T&S Gr. E, Clerk (OL) Gr Ill/ Clerical Gd-III, Rigman Cat-II, Driver (I), Call.  Interested candidate has to send the Hardcopy of Application form at the office of GM (P&A), P&A Dept. -, CMPDI (HQ), Ranchi- 834 031. Last date to send the application form is 25.03.2022.

CMPDI झारखंड भर्ती 2022: CMPDI (सेंट्रल माइन प्लानिंग एंड डिज़ाइन इंस्टीट्यूट लिमिटेड) झारखंड ने विभिन्न पदों पर चयन के लिए केवल कोल इंडिया लिमिटेड और उसकी सहायक कंपनियों के विभागीय उम्मीदवारों से आमंत्रित किया है। उम्मीदवार इन 198 पदों के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं – सर्वेयर (एम) टी एंड एस जीआर। बी, सहायक ड्रिलर (टी), टी एंड एस जीआर। सी, सहायक फोरमैन (मेक – ।) (टी), टी एंड एस CR.C, ओवरसियर (सिविल), टी एंड एस जीआर। सी, स्टाफनर्स टी एंड एस जीआर सी, जूनियर एससी। सहायक Gr-II Gd- D, जूनियर डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर (प्रशिक्षु) T&S Gr. ई, ड्रेसर जीआर। द्वितीय टी एंड एस जीआर। ई, क्लर्क (ओएल) जीआर बीमार / लिपिक जीडी- II, रिगमैन कैट-II, ड्राइवर (‘एल), कैटल इच्छुक उम्मीदवार को आवेदन पत्र की हार्डकॉपी महाप्रबंधक (पी एंड ए), पी एंड ए विभाग-, सीएमपीडीआई (मुख्यालय), रांची- 834 031 के कार्यालय में भेजनी है। आवेदन पत्र भेजने की अंतिम तिथि 25.03.2022 है।

CMPDI Jharkhand Recruitment 2022- Details

पद का नाम – Post Name 

  • Surveyor (M) T&S Gr. B, Assistant Driller (T), T&S Gr. C, Asstt. Foreman (Mech.) (T), T&S CR.C, Overseer (Civil), T&S Gr. C, Staff Nurse T&S Gr C, Jr. Sc. Asstt. Gr-II Gd- D, Jr. Data Entry Operator (Trainee) T&S Gr. E, Dresser Gr. II T&S Gr. E, Clerk (OL) Gr Ill/ Clerical Gd-III, Rigman Cat-II, Driver (‘l ), Catll.

पद की संख्या –No Of Posts

  • Total:- 198 Vacancies 
Name of the post No of the post
Surveyor (M) T&S
Gr. B
13 Vacancies
Assistant Driller (T),
T&S Gr. C
61 Vacancies
Asstt. Foreman
(Mech.) (T), T&S cr.
07 Vacancies
Overseer (Civil),
T&S Gr. C
05 Vacancies
StaffNurse T&S Gr
01 Vacancies
Jr. Sc. Asstt. Gr-ll
Gd- D
05 Vacancies
 Jr. Data Entry
Operator (Trainee)
T&S Gr. E
05 Vacancies
Dresser Gr. II T&S
Gr. E
01 Vacancies
Clerk (OL) Gr Ill.
07 Vacancies
56 Vacancies
Driver (‘l ), Catll 37 Vacancies


शैक्षणिक  योग्यता- Educational Details Of CMPDI Jharkhand Recruitment 2022

Name of the post Qualification
Surveyor (M) T&S
Gr. B
Matriculation with Survey
Certificate of competence
granted by DGMS.
The date of issue of Survey
Certificate of Competency
granted by DCCMS should be
on or before the cut-off date i.e
date of issue of notification.
Assistant Driller (T),
T&S Gr. C
Matriculate with 03 yrs.
Diploma or equivalent in. Mech
/ Automobile Engineering
preferably in drilling
Asstt. Foreman
(Mech.) (T), T&S cr.
Diploma in Mech. Engineering
(Minimum 03 )rs. Course)
Overseer (Civil),
T&S Gr. C
Matriculation or equivalent and
possess a recognized Dip. in
Civil Engg. (3 yrs. Course)
Staff Nurse T&S Gr
l0+2 Plus ‘A’ Crade Nursing
Diploma or certificate liom a
recognized Institute approved by the Govt-
Jr. Sc. Asstt. Gr-ll
Gd- D
Graduate in Science with
Chemistry as one of the subjects
 Jr. Data Entry
Operator (Trainee)
T&S Gr. E
Matriculate or equivalent
Dresser Gr. II T&S
Gr. E
Matric with one year mining
certificate from Company
Institute/Government Hospital
Clerk (OL) Gr Ill.
Matriculation or €equivalent
exam. from any recognized
Board of Exam., with Hindi as
one of the subject.
Matriculate with ITI Trade
Certificate or equivalent in
Mech. / Automobile trade.
Driver (‘l ), Catll Class VIII standard pass &
2. Must b€ in possession of
valid Driving License for heavy_


महत्वपूर्ण तिथि- Important Date

  • Last date to send the application form is 25.03.2022.

Application Process for CMPDI Jharkhand Recruitment 2022

  • Go to website see all the Eligibility criteria.
  • Interested candidate has to send the Application form with the relevant documents.
  • Last date to send the application form is 25.03.2022.

Address to send the application form is :- office of GM (P&A), P&A Dept -, CMPDI (HQ), Ranchi- 834 031

1 Comment
  1. Mamta Das says

    Mujh Clark ki nokri karni hai

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